So, today something happened to my DFP.
I bought it few weeks ago, everything was OK, but today it just doen'st
calibrate how it should. I plug it to the PC, it tries to calibrate, but end up
at wrong position. Its like 30 degrees to the left instead of centre. I tried to reinstall Logitech drivers, but it didn't work. Then I plugged it to PS2, but it was the same. I don't know how it could happened, I played with it as everytime. Just pedals connection fell off and then the problem appeared.
So, what could be wrong with it? Is it a bug or something?
Thanks for your answers.
So, today something happened to my DFP.
I bought it few weeks ago, everything was OK, but today it just doen'st
calibrate how it should. I plug it to the PC, it tries to calibrate, but end up
at wrong position. Its like 30 degrees to the left instead of centre. I tried to reinstall Logitech drivers, but it didn't work. Then I plugged it to PS2, but it was the same. I don't know how it could happened, I played with it as everytime. Just pedals connection fell off and then the problem appeared.
So, what could be wrong with it? Is it a bug or something?
Thanks for your answers.