The online racing simulator
#1 - janm
Are there any fast keyboarders here?
Hi everyone.
I'm still a demo racer.

I've been playing lfs for about a month now and i've enjoyed setting faster times very much...
Right now the fastest lap according to my fastest sector times would be around 1:32.3x. My current pb is 1:32.59.

Well, since everyone here is mostly a ''mouser'' or a ''wheeler'', i was wondering if those of you who use ''keyboard-no help'' option could share their thoughts about setting the car and going around blackwood as fast as possible...
I have a good set, based on worm's. Did some additional steer rate modifications and feel quite comfortable with it.

Anyway, just wanted to find keyboarders, since it seems to be very uncommon( understandably) for most guys to use keyboard to race.
But since i don't own a wheel yet and my driving stile is much too agressive for the mouse, that's where i'm at right now.

Looking forward to any ''feedback''.
Here's a replay of a reasonable lap of mine...
Wish you good racing.
Attached files
1.32.62.spr - 328.8 KB - 339 views
#2 - th84
Hello there!! Threre are quite a few fast keyboarders out there, i wont name any so i dont forget any but from what i hear the cabbies "project kam" can be very helpful to keyboarders!! im not sure if its finished or how far along it is, but i hope it helps!! ... amp;highlight=project+kam
#3 - janm
Yes, i thought there weren't many...
#4 - ORION
Most people who were fast with keyboard got a wheel, including me
And wheel is 100000000 times more fun, specially in S2 with the tyre wear.
#5 - janm
I was assuming, yes, ORION...
Just gave it a try with this thread
I'm just not sure yet whether to get me a wheel or not. I've never raced with a wheel yet...was never really that into it, but maybe it's not a bad idea to try it...
Maybe i'll go and check the wheels at some local store.
hello janm.
i'm a keyboarder too, not kn but ks.
we have to race together one of theses days.
i race mostly at SKH Fairplay (demo server).
never quite understand how come people race with with kn, i find it very dificult to control.

cy soon.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#7 - janm
Hey, guys, what are the most popular wheels out there...
I was searching the net a bit and it seems to me as though the Logitech wheels offer the best quality...What are your opinions on this matter ?
I know, eventually i'll have to try it myself...Also, reading the forum threads i can find people mostly using logitech wheels ( momo racing force, formula ''something'',...)

''Fujiwara''- i'll be on this weekend pretty sure, see ya..
#8 - janm
I imagine the posture behind a wheel takes time to get used to...
Elbows lifted, more pressure to the shoulders...
Using the keyboard i feel very comfortable leaned back with my elbows resting on the chair's '' frame '' or ''arm holders'' (don't know what's it called).
Where do you have your wheel attached? On the desk that's meant for the keyboard and is pulled out from under the main desk ?
I guess that takes a bit of adjusting before you feel comfortable, but i'll have to try a wheel myself to see...