It works!!
I have now got windows 7 Build 7100, many thanks to tristan for the disk by the way.
Its quite amazing really, as my pc actually seems margionally faster than it was with xp, and i only have a little p4 cpu and 1gb ram!
LFS works without any problems apart from running horribly slow, but thats down to me running the windows version of driver for the gfx card as i cant decide weather to use the ati or sapphire drivers.
The only problem i have with the OS is that it will not shut down, it just hangs on the shutting down screen for hours on end, and my turning it off at the wall last night didn't help as it then wouldn't boot apart from in safe mode so i have just reinstalled 7 again but from safe mode (it wouldnt read the dvd from startup, something about an error 4), but it's back in windows now.
After some googling i have found a possible fix for the shut down hang, which i have done and i am about to try and shut it down now, so if im not back online on here until very late then i am reinstalling 7 again.