The online racing simulator
2009 Points Standings and Season Statistics
Attached to this post will be the current points standings for the Overall Title, LFSBC title, and NDRC Title. There will also be a document that includes basic season statisctics.

The documents in this are up-to-date as of Season 3 (2009) End.
Attached files
Round1_All_ForHistorical.pdf - 56.3 KB - 336 views
Round2_All_ForHistorical.pdf - 57.3 KB - 313 views
Round3_All_ForHistorical.pdf - 58.3 KB - 313 views
Round4_All_ForHistorical.pdf - 59.4 KB - 339 views
Round5_All_ForHistorical.pdf - 59.6 KB - 312 views
Round6_All_ForHistorical.pdf - 59.2 KB - 346 views
Round7_All_ForHistorical.pdf - 60.4 KB - 296 views
Statistics_FINAL.pdf - 46.7 KB - 315 views
OverallPoints_FINAL.pdf - 51.1 KB - 342 views
NDRCPoints_FINAL.pdf - 47.9 KB - 407 views
LFSBCPoints_FINAL.pdf - 44.6 KB - 451 views
Why am I in the NDRC class when I should only be in the LFSBC class?

EDIT: I see it appears to be my bad for running the wrong coloured number, I was running in BLUE when I should've been running in YELLOW
In the statistics it says HC can i ask what that means ?
Quote from n-murray :In the statistics it says HC can i ask what that means ?

hc stands for highest climber
Results updated to reflect official Round 1 standings. Also changed Mike Bingham's class from NDRC to LFSBC.

can we have round 2 results and the champ standings after it please ?
Quote from n-murray :can we have round 2 results and the champ standings after it please ?

I tend not to publish points until after results are official. I did what I did after round 1 so as to give an accurate ballast estimate for the week leading up for those who needed it to practice with.

Results will be up in the next couple hours, after I run the replay of Race 2 again (stats got FUBARed) and edit them to reflect classes.

Quote from dekojester :I tend not to publish points until after results are official. I did what I did after round 1 so as to give an accurate ballast estimate for the week leading up for those who needed it to practice with.

Results will be up in the next couple hours, after I run the replay of Race 2 again (stats got FUBARed) and edit them to reflect classes.


Ok thanks a lot mate really appreciated
Points after R2 updated.

I'm missing one 'highest climber' in the statistics. In the points-table it's correctly applied.
i need one more FL ^^

i think o_o


and hypothraxer needs an HC

EDIT2: oops :/
Quote from Fastwalker :i need one more FL ^^

i think o_o


and hypothraxer needs an HC

EDIT2: oops :/

Yeah, I'll fix that.....sometime. :P

Updated through Round 3 (I hope...point out any errors, pl0x.

when r4 results will be published?
Quote from oldnavy :when r4 results will be published?

Overnight tonight. I've got some homework and group work to finish this afternoon and evening, but overnight tonight, I'll have 'em up.

Ok thanks for answering
Round 4 Results over in the proper thread, Points and crap updated here. Ballast updated also.

Updated through Round 5.

Updated through Round 6. Round 5 historical shows Car 93 still excluded, but is correct in the current points listings.

Round 7 points up.

Final statistics and points are up.

Congratulations to David Novak (Hypothraxer) on the Overall and NDRC Class Championship !

Also congratulations to Simon Jakubiak (Szymonek) on the LFSBC class win.

A thank you to all who competed in this season, and we hope to see you at our events again soon.