Unofficial Addon Requests
(9 posts, started )
Unofficial Addon Requests
Quite frequently I've been stuck for a project to do, only to end up going off brainstorming and coming up with some daft idea that is probably of no use to anyone.
So a friend of mine in sales suggested that I 'survey the market' for unofficial addons.
This, (assuming anyone answers) should be of use to any potential developers looking to develop a project geared towards LFS.

So, it doesn't matter how unfeasible or stupid you think your idea might be, what do you want to see as an unofficial addon for LFS?

Requests for tracks / cars / any other content or physics related stuff should go in the improvement suggestions subforum if it hasn't already been mentioned.

Your post should clearly state...
  1. What your idea is.
  2. Why you need / want this feature.
Try to keep technical or implemetation issues out of this thread.
Additions to suggestions are welcome though.
#2 - X-Ter
I would like an InSim application whitch has the all the features from AutoMessage combined with the some of the features from RaceManager like the Rolling Start and the Track Changer feature. I also could see a good use for the LFS Spotter included in this package.
#3 - filur
Seems like the author of this thread didn't follow the suggested path, should be a good thingie to get done for lfs
#4 - Lible
1. Please not automessage, it's boring.
2. Admin controlpanel thingy, should include plalyer names, with kick/ban buttons + center text boxes. And of course text saving, Track Changer, Rolling Start (using center text). Why? Would be really useful, for me at least.

Anything better didn't came up.
Ok, its make a fool of myself time once again...

LFS replays... Some kind of application that could play them without running LFS...

Example. the Skins viewer runs without LFS...

Idealy a straight converter to avi or mpeg would be so nice, but if not a way of playing a .mpr, or spr outside of LFS.. Now LFS could still be running, ie like LFSMM, LFS is running but the replay is shown within another program..

Does anyone get me? I did search on this before posting and couldnt see anything relevent.

#6 - Lible
Invidual program for playng replays - impossible, you should have all textures files with it, which is... stupid. illepall

Why would you need an external program to watch replays. A converter should do the job. (Tough, I don't need it for doing videos)
Quote from Lible :Invidual program for playng replays - impossible, you should have all textures files with it, which is... stupid. illepall

Why would you need an external program to watch replays. A converter should do the job. (Tough, I don't need it for doing videos)

Er.. yeah cheers for that, yet another Friendly responce from those at the LFS Forums...shame.

Right thats for your comments.

Im my thread if its read I did mention about a Converter.

Quote :(Tough, I don't need it for doing videos)

We are not all as clever as you. NO NEED for that kinda responce , but no, im forgetting where I am, its a shame things have turned out this way.

Sorry for asking, Ill go back to my hole now.
#8 - Lible
Ok, sorry, but i just said what I tought. That's what replies are for anyway...
Maybe so but there is no need for nastyness is there? Anyway, back ontopic please...

Unofficial Addon Requests
(9 posts, started )