1. What is your gender?
2. What is your age (in years)?
3. What if any is your political affiliation?
Democrat (no idea but this sounds good lol)
4. What, if any, is your religious affiliation?
5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how religious do you think you are?
6. What is your level of education?
Other, please specify - German Abitur
7. Do you believe the theory of intelligent design correct?
intelligence and design has nothing to do with each other, because design is "speaking" emotions.
[EDIT]wikipedia told me that intelligent design is rather some sort of matrix crap.. like "agent smith designed the world"... lol
8. Do you believe Darwin’s theory of evolution and natural selection correct?
Yes, of course
9. Should both intelligent design and evolution should be taught in schools?
No... we need esports and game design courses
10. Do you think that only intelligent design should be taught in schools?
11. Do you think that only evolution should be taught in schools?
10. Intelligent Design is creationism presented as science.
Agree.. somehow
Maybe it's a bit too nonsense to be called science.
11. Evolution is flawed, and cannot be used to explain the varied life forms on our planet.
Disagree (it's incomplete or some parts might not be correct, but we're on the right path)
12. Evolution only explains what happened after intelligent design took place, and as such the two can be taught together.
13. What is your opinion on the scientific basis of intelligent design?
There are no aliens, etc
14. What is your opinion on the scientific basis of evolution?
works reasonably good so far...