The online racing simulator

i like your xrr designs a couple of posts up. very funky
2 more skins (Monkey Man) DELETED by Monkey Man
(Monkay) DELETED by XCNuse : cleanup
(Hankstar) DELETED by Hankstar : ...
TRD AE86 skin
this is Japan TRD AE86 SkinS^^~
Is best!!~
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(Rooble) DELETED by XCNuse : cleanup
(MiniVan) DELETED by XCNuse : cleanup
Sometimes people just upload the preview screenshots here in this thread. If there isnt a skinfile to download, then oh well

But if you are trying to have people see your skin online, you need to be a licensed user so you can upload the skin to LFSWorld. You are a demo racer, so you cannot do that.

You place all your skins in the LFS/data/skins folder, and other people's skins that are not yours or that you do not wish to choose from (like team skins and other people's personal skins) in the LFS/data/skins_x folder. :up:
Hyper: great skin dude!
Quote from InjenTEC :Hey.. I am wondering how do i upload a skin. I know how to do the files but i want to use the apexi skin and that doesnt have a file to download only a jpg image to look at. so how do I put it in the game from just a Jpg and not a file to download. thnx

if you are talking about the apexi skin i made, the skin file is there
I have no idea what you are doing, but it sounds like you're doing things incorrectly, or maybe a bit confused with how the skins work.

Steps to load a skin in LFS:
  1. Download any skinfile (NOT a preview image) such as XRG_someskin.jpg (example).
  2. Place it in your LFS/data/skins folder.
  3. Then start up the game and choose the correct car in the garage (this skin would be for the XR GT -- choose that).
  4. Stay in the Garage, and on the left side there is the color choices and a place for a list of custom color schemes.
  5. Choose 'New' and then type in any name you want.
  6. After that goto the Colours button (bottom) and make the car completley white (has to be white in order for the skin to look correct)
  7. Then there is a skin filename button at the bottom that you click on. If you put your skin in the correct skins folder as said above in Step #2, then you should see the skin filename in this list.
  8. Choose the skin you want, and your skin now has the skin applied to it
  9. If you want to make other Skin themes, it is best to make a new color profile for each, and just repeat the steps above.
Does this help? Because what you're asking seems kind of confusing.
a little addition, cause that happened to me a few times already, is to double check the file name of the skin.
"do Zip?" Not sure what you mean.

You mean you want to open a zip file? Usually you right click on it, select "extract" or "unzip" or whatever and that does it..
What The Hell are you talking about?

You don't get a Zip file from an attached image UNLESS it is a zip file to begin with. If it is just a picture of some skin attached, then it is most likely a .JPG

Note you are saying "Attached Image"... that is not a ZIP! :doh:

If you need more help on this, please make a new thread in Technical Assistance, because this thread is for skins, we shouldn't clutter up this area trying to figure this out.

EDIT: If you are trying to make your OWN zipfile, you usually just right-click the image and choose to pack/zip the file.
(Kajojek(PL)) DELETED by XCNuse : cleanup
1) Open the picture and it shows you this (for example): link

2) right click the picture and select "save picture as..." or similar and then just save it to your LFS directory in data\skins

3) start LFS and enjoy your new skin
(FallenReaper) DELETED by XCNuse : cleanup
I was expecting a nice ET Phone Home thing, not Wolfenstein... That'll be W:ET then.
lol yea I was expecting ET with a big red finger pointed across the bonnet, or him holding a phone or something

Quote from tristancliffe : I was expecting a nice ET Phone Home thing, not Wolfenstein...

You guys might have seen these before on RSC, but I posted here because nobody uses the RSC LFS forum anymore.

More pics: ... ltimate/xrr_ultimate1.htm

Skin files are downloadable from my website: ... ltimate/XRT_ULTIMATE1.jpg ... ltimate/XRR_ULTIMATE2.jpg

Try also skin packs which include all skins I have made so far:
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Quote from terence1628 :I've made a new skin, but it might need some changes, i can't seem to find all the Gumball 3000 sponsors, so i did the best i could with what i have seen from some of the gumball 3000 pictures. So if you happen to know the list of sponsers that are in Gumball 3000, please let me know so i can make some changes.


You're definately missing a couple, check my FZ50 skin (feel free to 'borrow' the logos )
Here's an initial draft for the Team MG skin
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resound you rock!
Quote from qispitt :dmitriy,i need bmw sauber skin its wonderfull....plez send it asap at [email protected]

see PM
Amiga 500 Logoskin for XRT
Commodore Amiga 500 Logoskin for XRT..
Some nice oldskool logo's

note : these logo's are not made by me but by certain famous amiga groups that used to create intros and stuff.. since i like these artwork much and amiga also i made a skin of it.. its more kind of a dedication to oldskool amiga groups and their great artworks made by them
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(BBO@BSR) DELETED by XCNuse : cleanup
(trackah123) DELETED by XCNuse : cleanup
(Bean0) DELETED by XCNuse : cleanup
Here is your AMIGA skin
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(tristancliffe) DELETED by XCNuse : cleanup
(trackah123) DELETED by XCNuse : cleanup
(KeMoT) DELETED by XCNuse : cleanup
(speedfreak227) DELETED by XCNuse : cleanup
(KeMoT) DELETED by XCNuse : cleanup
(trackah123) DELETED by XCNuse : cleanup
psygnosis skin..

its a resolution of 1024x1024 but i dont understand why it looks so low res ingame? anyone any tips for me

i found this one as well. great artwork..

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(KeMoT) DELETED by XCNuse : cleanup
hey, to make one do i just use the blank one in the folder? can someone make me a skin, i dont mind what it looks like jsut as long as it has as the main thing, also can u put banners on the windscreens?
Download the LFS S2 CMX Viewer (a skinning tool by the devs) here: ...

In it, there will be 1024 x 1024 sized default/white skins you can use to skin on. There is also mapping info images to show you where you can paint marked by blue areas on the car.... they come in 512 x 512 size, so you will need to resize them to 1024 size before using it as a helpful aid.

And yes you can put banners on the windscreens for the GTR cars, but the other road cars dont have texturable windscreens. Since you're a demo user, it shouldn't really apply .
Quote from terence1628 :thanks Bean0, now i can complete my skin, but, what do i do about the Davida logo, because it is also in red (same as my skin)

I would either change its colour, or put it in a black box like the Birdhouse one. Try both and see which looks best I suppose.

XR Skins (All)
(7350 posts, started )