The online racing simulator
New skin
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Quote from manxel1 :New skin

that skin looks cool, i like the Silvia heads' (correct me if i am wrong)
Quote from matijapkc :l200 @ All your skins are nice, but they're 1024x1024... Why don't you make them in 2048x2048? I'm telling you this, 'cos many people uses resolution higher then 1024x1024 and the skin gets blurry.

because 2048x2048 can't be uploaded to lfsworld
Quote from l200 :because 2048x2048 can't be uploaded to lfsworld

But if someone downloads it and wants to drive with it, it will be blurry very blurry, and I don't like that (I think others don't like that too). So, on LFSW you can upload 1024x1024, but on Forum, upload 2048x2048 so at least the driver of the car see his skin nice...
Quote from matijapkc :But if someone downloads it and wants to drive with it, it will be blurry very blurry, and I don't like that (I think others don't like that too). So, on LFSW you can upload 1024x1024, but on Forum, upload 2048x2048 so at least the driver of the car see his skin nice...

1024x1024 skins aren't blurry in my lfs , i think that u have the skins textures set on packed in lfs , look at my screenshots , i don't think theire blurry .
I have them on full, but I use 1360x768, so when skin is 1024x1024, I'm missing those 336 pixels in width. You are probably using 1024x768, am I right?
Quote from l200 :1024x1024 skins aren't blurry in my lfs , i think that u have the skins textures set on packed in lfs , look at my screenshots , i don't think theire blurry .

Compared to a 2048x2048 skin, they are. If you always use 1024 then you won't notice the pixelation, but if you use 2048 you will notice the huge decrease in quality with 1024 skins. Skins made at 2048 have 4 times the pixels, so for every one pixel on a 1024 skin, you'll get 4 on the 2048 skin which helps smooth out the lines and makes the anti-aliasing on the skin itself more effective.
Quote from matijapkc :I have them on full, but I use 1360x768, so when skin is 1024x1024, I'm missing those 336 pixels in width. You are probably using 1024x768, am I right?

actually i use 1280x1024 resolution in lfs
Quote from MAGGOT :Compared to a 2048x2048 skin, they are. If you always use 1024 then you won't notice the pixelation, but if you use 2048 you will notice the huge decrease in quality with 1024 skins. Skins made at 2048 have 4 times the pixels, so for every one pixel on a 1024 skin, you'll get 4 on the 2048 skin which helps smooth out the lines and makes the anti-aliasing on the skin itself more effective.

well , i know that 2048x2048 skins are better quality , but i just thought that if ppl want to upload to lfsw then they gotta have 1024x1024 and i reduced to 1024x1024 , but i can upload 2048 in this topic , if u guys want to
Quote from l200 :Hi , it's a skin i made for my personal use , but i desided to share it with others also , i replaced my names with other decals It may have some bugs , but i'll fix them if i get time !

Skin and screenshots are in attachments ...

EDIT : skin is now in 2048x2048 resolution !

Here you go guys !
Quote from Gelin SWE :Yeah i noticed. It's inpossible to make it one-coloured. Although the XRT looks far more sexy with it.

hm.. no (but that's just my opinion, so don't take it personally)

But wasn't anything related to vob mods illegal? or does that don't include screenshots/video's and only links and such to places to get them?

Anyway, to some above, would you mind to please keep it on-topic (post skins or comment on skins)? tnx
Henning Solberg and 1996 Ford escort cosworth group A rally car.
Hi! here is my first skins! :laola:
Quote from SteinHamm :Hi! here is my first skins! :laola:

Sorry, but it is the wrong thread. You should put that skin in XFG thread. And attach a screenshot, or upload it somewhere if you don't have enough attaching space.
Damnit, I would buy S2 lisence right now, if I would have a credit card...
Quote from Sutinennn :Damnit, I would buy S2 lisence right now, if I would have a credit card...

Borrow it from your parents.
Quote from matijapkc :Borrow it from your parents.

Yeah, Im gonna ask that from my parents... But my parents dont like to give their credit cards codes to foreign countries, so only way to prove it is to make 'em read all the things in the site. Bad thing: Theres a trojan in my computer.
the trojan will be a problem, try avira antivirus, and once thats taken care of, have them just take a look at all the people with s2 with no complaining at. all.
Quote from logitekg25 :the trojan will be a problem, try avira antivirus, and once thats taken care of, have them just take a look at all the people with s2 with no complaining at. all.

I have avira antivirus and I scanned my comp with it last evening after my post.
I can say that even the demo is very fun to play.
Linux mint skin
I know that this is crap but it's my first real skin... Windows users stay well clear.

Made using The Gimp and is uploaded to lfsw.

Here is another skin I made this evening. Enjoy!
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Havent been skinning for a while so i made this one realy quick cuz i was bored

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This is my first try... What do you think?

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XR Skins (All)
(7350 posts, started )