The online racing simulator
Thanks. I shared the dirt layer with the guys at L4P, and don't think I'll publish it for the general audience. But it's really not that hard making a dirt layer, after all, even I could do it! Anyway, good luck with your future skins, the jack skin was pretty cool!
Quote from macsy :Thanks. I shared the dirt layer with the guys at L4P, and don't think I'll publish it for the general audience. But it's really not that hard making a dirt layer, after all, even I could do it! Anyway, good luck with your future skins, the jack skin was pretty cool!

Oh, finally someone saw it! Thanks!
(turbonurbo) DELETED by SamH : VOB mod inside
(HalleMarques) DELETED by SamH : VOB mod inside
look up "pen tool tutorial for beginners" in youtube. i used a couple of them, work really well.
Quote from mindux123 :<...>
my skin

Quote : Forbidden

You don't have permission to access /img/c981d1c8a5d2f0fa5d1ae4230ca38d60592.jpg on this server.

its great :hide:
new one with Homemade S14 Zenki Light
Attached images
TaDy's ZenkiS14 Lights.png
Zenki RF Star a.png
Zenki RF Star b.png
Quote from tadydrift :new one with Homemade S14 Zenki Light

I like your skins, they look simple,
but they have this some sort of spice, that makes 'em special x]
great job
Red bull in game shots
Attached images
Apple skin for XRG by ME and RyosukeFactory.
Hope you like this skin. Thank You
Attached images
Quote from phawin :Apple skin for XRG by ME and RyosukeFactory.
Hope you like this skin. Thank You

I don't know if it has to be like that (what i think it doesn't), but
the right side of the car is all flipped horizontally...
Quote from kristis917 :I don't know if it has to be like that (what i think it doesn't), but
the right side of the car is all flipped horizontally...

Yepp! That's what I want it to be.
Quote from kristis917 :
the right side of the car is all flipped horizontally...

Because it is a drift skin. Drift skins tend to have oneside (normally the right one) flipped horizontally.

PS: My XRG skin. Private for now, but I might release it to the public soon.

Click thumbnail for bigger pics.

Quote from Danny LFS :PS: My XRG skin. Private for now, but I might release it to the public soon.

You don't have to release it because almost everybody will be able to do an even cleaner version of this with paint in say five minutes.
Quote from Danny LFS :Because it is a drift skin. Drift skins tend to have oneside (normally the right one) flipped horizontally.

OK, sorry, my bad... didn't know that xP
Quote from tadydrift :new one with Homemade S14 Zenki Light

nice1 im gonna use it on my XRG nice job!
madez me a missile WOOHAH

Quote from Drift1r :madez me a missile WOOHAH

nice skin (i hope that missile wont explode)
I know there is already a few martini liveries out there, just fancied having ago at another , skin for XRT, uploaded to lfsworld, feel free to use
Attached images
nice, thanks for the skin dude
Quote from 5tag :You don't have to release it because almost everybody will be able to do an even cleaner version of this with paint in say five minutes.

That's kind of rude... My skin isn't that bad, is it?
Well... It kinda is.
Says a professional skinner...

Myu skins are terrible when compared to yours. That coming from a skinner that is still starting in Photoshop, would make sense, but from you?

Sorry, but no.
Wait.. What? I just agreed with 5tag, I mean, your skin is just three colors, you could have at least made the lines straight. Practise, practise, preactise.. I'm sure you'll improve.

XR Skins (All)
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