The online racing simulator
Round 3: Pre-Race Discussion and Briefing
Round 3 of the 3rd Season of the LFS Beginner's Cup and the 1st Season of the NDR Challenge will be held on Saturday, 9th May 2009. Details are as follows:

General Info
Course: South City Town Course (SO5)
Qualifying Duration: 1x20 minute session
Race Duration: 1x26 laps

Mini-FWD GTR Restrictions

NOTE: If these restrictions are not carried within any official session then penalty will be disqualification from that session. We will be running InSim applications to ensure all are complying with this.
XF-JR: 44%
UF-BR: 45%

All Times in this post are in UTC. Currently, the UK is on Summer Time, which UTC does not observe - UK folks need to add one hour. Go to the Time Zone Converter to help you convert times.
Server arrival deadline: 18:20
Qualifying Session Start: 18:30
Grid Set: 18:55
Race 1 Start: 19:00

Driver Confirmation
Please, drivers, confirm your attendance, and car selection by posting here. Please use the following format:

Car Number
Driver's LFS UserName
Class (LFSBC or NDRC)
Car Selection (UF-BR or XF-JR)



Deadline for Confirmations is 17:30 UTC on Saturday, 9th May. As per the regulations, the penalty for failure to confirm in time is a start from the back of the grid.

Further Notes
Please observe Name format as per the regulations. LFSBC drivers shall color their car numbers yellow, NDRC drivers shall color their car numbers blue. You are to select no color (furthest right color button) for the rest of your name. Examples:

Quote :LFSBC: 00 J. Palmer
NDRC: 00 J. Palmer

The Race will start via Standing Start.

The Safety Car Will wait to go to its standby position until all cars have completed the first turn without incident. After all cars are past Turn 2, and no deployment is needed, the SC will need to quickly head to its standby position. The SC should be clear of the course before the field completes the middle sector. The SC for this round will not park in pitlane. The parking position has yet to be determined, but is likely to be somewhere prior to pit entry.

The SC will travel at approximately pitlane speed throughout the course, only slowing for natural slow points. The SC will once again be an FXR for this round. Drivers should remember SC distance regulations: The leader must remain around 8 to 10 car lengths off the SC, and drivers must leave about 3 to 5 car lengths between their car and the car ahead. Incidents due to following too close may be deemed to be caused by neglect, and a harsher penalty issued.

During SC deployments, the SC Inlap indication will come when the SC is between turns 8 and 10. At this point, it will begin to accelerate away, and the leader is expected to maintain SC pace, and is not to begin accelerating until it exits the final turn.

The track image indicating approximate Intermediate locations and turn numbers, as we reference them will be posted soon. Please use those in any protests you may make.

Please do not make protests in this thread, there will be a thread created for that after the race has been completed.

The layout for this round will be posted soon. It will modify the pit exit blend line, and that one will be the one enforced. It will be up within the next week.

[B]No. Driver's LFSName Car Class Ballast (kg)[/B]

[B]Drivers who have Confirmed:[/B]
53 Fuse5 UF-BR NDRC 0
82 Fastwalker UF-BR NDRC 18
47 Kart0fL47 UF-BR LFSBC 0
616 Timdpr XF-JR LFSBC 0
93 Bambo UF-BR NDRC 15
77 Hypothraxer XF-JR NDRC 17
11 nathan246 XF-JR LFSBC 0
46 mrspeed21 XF-JR LFSBC 13
96 Emil.Orza UF-BR LFSBC 0
69 Mike Bingo XF-JR LFSBC 0
21 n-murray XF-JR LFSBC 0

[B]Missed Deadline, but still confirmed before Qual Start:[/B]

[B]Missed Confirmation, but is in server for qualifying:[/B]

[B]Withdrawn from round:[/B]
22 Chrisuu01 XF-JR NDRC 8
02 buck77 UF-BR LFSBC 0

Additional information on the MiniGTRs from J@tko:

Quote from J@tko :
Quick note on these restrictions:
As you may know, the UF-BR is a car developed by the UF Racers Club for their highly successful Baby-R Fall-Out Cup. NDR [more specifically, I] have tested a XFR with restrictions to give similar performance to this car, to give you a choice of what you want to drive. These restrictions have been optimised for this particular track only, although I would say that they would work well for the vast majority of tracks within LFS.

The XF-JR is a faster down the straights, helped by its extra power and also the sequential gearbox. However, the UF-BR is much faster under braking and through the corners thanks to its lower CoG and lighter weight. In a qualifying situation, the XF-JR is marginally quicker around this track, but it is punished during the race due to its higher fuel consumption [and, to a certain extent, its extra front tyre wear], which will be made even worse due to the long race distance. Therefore, it is better to choose the car that suits you rather than the one that is fundamentally quicker, as there really isn't much difference. Also, your ballast may sway you to choose your car, as the XF-JR is a hefty 240kg heavier than the UF-BR, so do you turn your XF-JR into a tank, or try and limit your speed loss in the corners and add it to the UF-BR? The choice is yours.


NB: The "Air-Restriction Up-Shifting Problem" that happens in some cars doesn't occur very often in the XF-JR, and so you shouldn't need to worry about it

Attached files
UFR_UF-BR_base.set - 132 B - 1046 views
XFR_SO (B).set - 132 B - 1103 views
#3 - Fuse5
Car Number: 47
Driver's LFS UserName: Kart0fL47
Class: LFSBC
Car Selection: UF-BR (Updated)
Trough there will be an air-restriction do we have to pass the 103% Hotlap time?

Sorry for dublepost and bad language, its 6.30am

- Daniel
Quote from Kart0fL47 :Trough there will be an air-restriction do we have to pass the 103% Hotlap time?

Sorry for dublepost and bad language, its 6.30am

- Daniel

Nope. You have to be on the 103% of the WR on only one combo of the season. But as we don't have any UF-BR or XF-JR records on this combo(unless they ask Mr. Hopkinson to give them the CTRA record of the UF-BR), I guess you can't make your hotlap on this one.
I was wondering if I might be able to join?
Go for it
sorry to derail...

Quote :NB: The "Air-Restriction Up-Shifting Problem" that happens in some cars doesn't occur very often in the XF-JR, and so you shouldn't need to worry about it

I've never had that happen unless I have a really crap gear ratio. IE: stock on a 50% restricted engine (well duh! of course it's never going to make it into 6th gear!)

... and this is with playing with the GTR's with all sorts of intake restrictions, including 50/50/50 across the fxr/xrr/fzr.

oh, and why add ballast to the xfr? from my testing at 45/45 they are equal, aside from the uf-br being faster in cornering.
There is no ballast for the XF-JR...

The ballast is just for people that need to carry ballast, as per the ballast thread with ballast amounts (in Kg) in it


Quote from JO53PHS :There is no ballast for the XF-JR...

i should really triple-read stuff before i post.
Quote from bunder9999 :I've never had that happen unless I have a really crap gear ratio. IE: stock on a 50% restricted engine (well duh! of course it's never going to make it into 6th gear!)

The only time I remember having it was when I came out of T1 at Fern Bay Club, it just refused to shift up from 2nd to 3rd unless I hammered the button about 10 times

You should be ok at South City - I didn't come across any issues in testing [with WR set and altered gear ratios]
Quote from JO53PHS :There is no ballast for the XF-JR...

The ballast is just for people that need to carry ballast, as per the ballast thread with ballast amounts (in Kg) in it


Can we get the ballast injfo please as I dont really want to do testing with no ballast and i THINK i need ballast as I came 5th and 1st in the 2 races but if I dont need any ballast please inform me ASAP because as I said I wouldnt like to do testing with ballast if I dont need it or without ballast if I need it.

Quote from n-murray :Can we get the ballast injfo please as I dont really want to do testing with no ballast and i THINK i need ballast as I came 5th and 1st in the 2 races but if I dont need any ballast please inform me ASAP because as I said I wouldnt like to do testing with ballast if I dont need it or without ballast if I need it.


:shhh: Deko tells you what ballast you need when you confirm
Quote from J@tko ::shhh: Deko tells you what ballast you need when you confirm

oh ok so I need to confirm first ? If so then how shall I know which car to pick if I havent done any testing ? And how shall I know which cars tyres last longer for me cause they dont last near as long with ballast.

You could work it out yourself

Quote :Championship Position | % Ballast, compared to net weight of car (sans fuel or driver)
1st | 3
2nd | 2.5
3rd | 2
4th | 1.5
5th | 1
6th | 0.5
7th and lower | 0

EDIT: Oh wait we don't have the champ standings yet....
That is fail.
Quote from J@tko :You could work it out yourself

EDIT: Oh wait we don't have the champ standings yet....
That is fail.

is that for champ standings or previous race result ?
Quote from n-murray :is that for champ standings or previous race result ?

Championship Standings.
Quote from J@tko :Championship Standings.

ok thanks mate so i still need to wait lol
hmm how about doing a quick calculation by running both events through LFSPoints though it will not be the real point standing you can calculate and get the weigh and restrictions from there
Falke, you are 1337.
I'll have the points up a bit later this afternoon, don't worry guys.