The online racing simulator
How To Embed LFS Remote Track Viewer Onto Website (HTML Embed Code)
I have been able to embed numerous flash objects into various websites. Although many sites are different, the "basic" embed code placed in a module will format itself to pretty much all websites, so things like parameters, class object id's, application type, etc... you don't have to worry about it. The "completed" embed code includes the parameters and script settings included. Just copy and paste into any html module. The default size I set to 600px height by 600px width.

HTML EMBED CODE FOR "LFS REMOTE" (basic code for all websites)

<p align="center"><object><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" src="" height="600" width="600" wmode="transparent" /></object><br />
<a title="Visit the website" href=""><img src="" /></a><br />

HTML EMBED CODE FOR "LFS REMOTE" (completed code / parameters set)

<p align="center">
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" height="600" width="600">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never" />
<param name="allowNetworking" value="internal" />
<param name="movie" value="" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" src="" height="600" width="600" wmode="transparent" />
</object><br />
<a title="Visit the website" href=""><img src="" /></a><br />

I'm afraid you will have to do it as an iframe, due to the way that the security policy runs!
lol a little confused...
lol, sorry, I don't understand what you mean, I heard of the hyper text markup language tags "iframes", and see them in some website's source codes, but I haven't learned about them yet. All I know is that when a website like UserPlane has them, you cannot view, edit, or save the embedded html stylesheets, but that's about it.

Is it needed? If so, I will learn how it works, and implement into the codes, but so far, I have not come across any issues regarding them. Perhaps now would be a good time for me to learn them, but my HTML-Kit developer software only has these two lines, and is not very helpful. xD


<iframe src="object_url" id="var" style="display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px;"></iframe>
Quote from SilverArrows77 :an example using iframe

<iframe style="width: 750px; height: 600px;" src=""></iframe>

Id you are going to use a iframe, dont forget to make a little text saying if you dont have iframe supported (by your browser) you wont see it.
some of the people with not that fast connection disables iframes...


<iframe style="width: 750px; height: 600px;" src="">you must eneble Iframes to see this part of the website</iframe>

Just to make it clear , the text that is standing on place B
is only showing when the iframe's are turned off!!!

<iframe>PLACE B</iframe>

Quote from bunder9999 :only bug i noticed is when scrolling up and down to zoom in and out, the whole page itself scrolls too. (this bug also affects lfs remote on it's own site though, i think the web browsers are at fault there)

yea but i can zoom with right button and the option zoooom
Thanks guys for writing the Iframes code, I have a better idea of what it is now. I also noticed the scroll issue, if you have a mouse with 3rd button as a wheel/scroll, then the LFS flash object by itself can use it, however when in some different browsers and websites, I just use the flash "zoom" option when you right-click on "settings". That's the only way I found to be able to zoom once embedded in websites.

Thanks again for the Iframes codes guys, it's greatly appreciated, until now I didn't really understand how it worked. Kudos!