The online racing simulator
Xbox 360
(28 posts, started )
check for the 360, and you will most likely need a hard drive.
Yes, the hard drive is pretty essential. If you get Xbox Live, you'll be downloading addons, movies, demos..etc so the bigger then hard drive the better.
if your going to get a game to go with it, and you like shooting games get call of duty 4 .
CoD5 is just
Woah.... What is this like 5th console thread in 2 days?
Quote from DevilDare :Woah.... What is this like 5th console thread in 2 days?

Woah... Thats another useless post I've read on this forum..... in some days.... Nearly as useless as mine infact....
yes you need a hard drive or a 256mb memory stick (not really recommeneded). If you're gonna get Xbox Live then yes i'd definately get a hard drive
Its not essential, however, if you are planning on using xbox live, its very handy for storing DLC, demos etc etc.
#8 - Fuse5
..or even simple saved games.
An MU is perfectly good enough for just saved games.
Quote from danowat :An MU is perfectly good enough for just saved games.

a ha!
No wonder you know so much about the xbox when you don't visit us on vent/irc/lfs that often :P

I guess I'm just used to having everything and more, including heaps of empty space on my 120GB HDD
Quote from Fuse5 :a ha!
No wonder you know so much about the xbox when you don't visit us on vent/irc/lfs that often :P

I guess I'm just used to having everything and more, including heaps of empty space on my 120GB HDD

, I know, I spend WAAAYYY more time on the xbox than on the PC, infact, I never use my PC anymore....

I have a 120gb HDD on my box, but if you aren't bothered about downloads etc, then a 512mb MU is perfectly good enough.
If you plan on getting a new model it'll come with a teeny amount of onboard memory (I can't remember if it's 256 or 512Mb) for firmware updates. However, I'd get as much as you can afford because it gets eaten fast.

I've only got the 20Gb HDD (I thought "it's a console, how much can saves take?") and it's almost full. I won a copy of Ninja Gaiden Black from CVG but ended up having to delete it because I was running low on HD space. Looking around it seems to be my Forza 2 DLC that's eating up space. I've got about a Gb of stuff for just that game, and probably a few hundred Mb average per game - it all adds up.
I want to install some games but don't have enough space left. So go 60Gb if you can.

We should make this the official 360 thread since the title lends itself to it
I got the 20gb harddisk aswell, and it's really not a lot. I constantly keep deleting DLC for games that i stopped playing (and will have to re-download those contents if i want to play them again).

Fable II had an english audio download (i got the german version) which was 1GB. GTAIV The lost and damned isn't exactly small either. Fallout 3 with the three (so far two) DLC packs... etc.

Demos are about one GB aswell usually.

Another question is if you would like to have Music stored on your xbox... that will take away a few GB aswell quite quickly.

I'd say go for even more... a 120GB one.

PS: Has anybody ever swapped the HDD in their xbox? Is it a PITA to get all the data transferred (i suppose you need some extra software/cables/connectors and a PC)?

PSS: Prices for xbox360 HDDs are unbelievable, still. Damn criminals!
I would also suggest getting a 120GB one if you are going to get one.

Having the possibility to install your games on the HDD is a massive boon IMO, if not for the decreased loading times, then for the MASSIVE decrease in noise you will have whilst playing off the HDD.

I went from a 20GB to a 120GB recently, and the transfer process was very quick and easy using the included transfer kit with the 120GB drive.
Quote from danowat :
I went from a 20GB to a 120GB recently, and the transfer process was very quick and easy using the included transfer kit with the 120GB drive.

That's good to know, thanks!
Won't any generic IDE/SATA/SATA2 (strike unneeded) work with XBot?
Well, maybe in a way. You could probably connect a standard drive up via USB and stream music and video from it, but it'd never allow you to use that as your primary storage drive.

That's how they make their money
Plus, it only works in FAT32, so you're limited to 4GB. And it'll not work as a primary storage device, like Dajmin already stated.

And about using other harddisks... ... d_drive_on_the_cheap.html
It should work but you need a specific harddisk (and you would need at least the 20GB one from MS so you have something to put the other one inside).
Quote from LFSn00b :Well i do have a few 8GB-16GB USB memory sticks in the drawer so that wouldn't be a problem.

But yeah, I'll look into it a bit more.

EDIT: Ugh, 110 euros for 120GB harddrive for xbox

thing is that i'm not really rich so i need to be quite sure where i invest my money in.

You should maybe look at buying 2nd hand. Ive got a 60gb hard drive on my 360 and its perfectly big enough. I have got a 20gb one in the box aswell off my old 360
There is a way to put a different HDD in, but you need some VERY specific hardware.
Best bit about the HDD is being able to install games. You still need to put the disc in obviously (or you'd only ever have to rent a game for 1 night and never buy one), but it only spins for a second, and after that it runs sooooooo much more quietly. I have a 60GB, and it's JUST enough space to install the 7 or so games I play regularly(ish) with some left over for downloads and demos and whatnot. I'd prefer the 120GB.
Which games do you play sinbad?, and do you use live?
Quote from danowat :Which games do you play sinbad?, and do you use live?

Yeah just recently subscribed to live, I had a month's trial a while back. I'm not a fan of paying £40 for games any more (I did too much of that with PS2), so I don't have any new releases. I really just play Halo, GTA4, a bit of Forza, SBK08 (not very good but for £8 I'm not too fussed)......quite partial to some cooperative play on a Lego title now and then too though
I very rarely pay £40 for a game, there are a number of sites that will search around for you to get the best prices.

I recently paid less than £10 (each) for Mass Effect, DIRT, Bioshock and some others, plenty of bargains to be had out there.
I just ordered a 120gb hdd.

Xbox 360
(28 posts, started )