Hey, I've been thinking.
I would like to have a Css (Counter Strike Source) Event.
So please read here if you are interested.
There will be max 4 players each team. You and 3 friends can gather up and sign up.
But if you dony have any Css-Friends, then you can sign up as non-team and you can gather up players from there.
You and your team will create a team-name Forexamle: The killers
Team Norway.
Friday 8 May 17:00 GMT Day 1 will start.
Day 1 means that team 1, 3, 5, 7 and so on will start as CT (Counter Terrorist)
And team 2, 4, 6, 8... Will start as T (Terrorist)
Day 2 is Saturday 9 may 17:00 GMT. (Day 2 is the opposite as day1
(Updates, look through the whole page)
How It works:
Example with 8 teams:
Team 1 vs Team 2
Team 3 vs Team 4
Team 5 vs Team 6
Team 7 vs Team 8
If you win a battle, you will be given 10 points. But if you loose, you get 0 points. And if you loose at the FIRST battle, you will be given -10 points, but not if you loose after that.
If you win the first battle you will be in the Win-Group, and Loose-Group if you loose the first one.
The loose group means that you have been given another chance to play more, but if you loose more, your team wont play untill the next day.
But lets say Team 1, 3, 5, 7 came in the WIN group.
Team 1 vs Team 3
Team 5 vs Team 7
Then Team 1 and 5 won
Then it's Team 1 vs Team 5.
(Do not flame me because i've posted so many LFS leagues that didn't workout. This is a friendly Css event that will work out.)
Bring all your friends!
When you sign in as team sign in write the team name and all the members
Team Sign in:
1st. T.b.o.b. = AroX, Rocky7up, Tommy, Noxirius.
2nd. Team Import Tuner [TIT] = Smurfen, mcintyrej, S14 DRIFT, LFSn00b.
3nd.Team Surreal clan = Soules, Daniels, Husker, Chubs.
4th. Quisty Fanclub = vimEo, smoF, Quisty, Kr0el
5th. Unknown = theirishnoob, DieKolkrabe, Stefani24, Astroboy
6th. Unknown = Kid222, matagyula, jet_ cze and random guy
7th. Unknown = Subs, Jack Taylerson, ??, ??
When you join as Non-team write your nickname
Non-Team sign in:
I dont think all of you got the deal with non-team thingy, it's because then you can gather up people togther from there.
And if you dont, i will for you.
I would like to have a Css (Counter Strike Source) Event.
So please read here if you are interested.
There will be max 4 players each team. You and 3 friends can gather up and sign up.
But if you dony have any Css-Friends, then you can sign up as non-team and you can gather up players from there.
You and your team will create a team-name Forexamle: The killers
Team Norway.
Friday 8 May 17:00 GMT Day 1 will start.
Day 1 means that team 1, 3, 5, 7 and so on will start as CT (Counter Terrorist)
And team 2, 4, 6, 8... Will start as T (Terrorist)
Day 2 is Saturday 9 may 17:00 GMT. (Day 2 is the opposite as day1

(Updates, look through the whole page)
How It works:
Example with 8 teams:
Team 1 vs Team 2
Team 3 vs Team 4
Team 5 vs Team 6
Team 7 vs Team 8
If you win a battle, you will be given 10 points. But if you loose, you get 0 points. And if you loose at the FIRST battle, you will be given -10 points, but not if you loose after that.
If you win the first battle you will be in the Win-Group, and Loose-Group if you loose the first one.
The loose group means that you have been given another chance to play more, but if you loose more, your team wont play untill the next day.
But lets say Team 1, 3, 5, 7 came in the WIN group.
Team 1 vs Team 3
Team 5 vs Team 7
Then Team 1 and 5 won
Then it's Team 1 vs Team 5.
(Do not flame me because i've posted so many LFS leagues that didn't workout. This is a friendly Css event that will work out.)
Bring all your friends!

When you sign in as team sign in write the team name and all the members
Team Sign in:
1st. T.b.o.b. = AroX, Rocky7up, Tommy, Noxirius.
2nd. Team Import Tuner [TIT] = Smurfen, mcintyrej, S14 DRIFT, LFSn00b.
3nd.Team Surreal clan = Soules, Daniels, Husker, Chubs.
4th. Quisty Fanclub = vimEo, smoF, Quisty, Kr0el
5th. Unknown = theirishnoob, DieKolkrabe, Stefani24, Astroboy
6th. Unknown = Kid222, matagyula, jet_ cze and random guy
7th. Unknown = Subs, Jack Taylerson, ??, ??
When you join as Non-team write your nickname
Non-Team sign in:
I dont think all of you got the deal with non-team thingy, it's because then you can gather up people togther from there.
And if you dont, i will for you.