I accidentally the whole internet
(48 posts, started )
I accidentally the whole internet
#2 - amp88
Quote from spankmeyer :I accidentally the whole internet


Anyway, OT. Obviously it makes sense to spend £2bn+ in this economy to spy on kids who pirate a few mp3s. It wouldn't be a much better idea to spend it where it actually needs spent (like on our health service, police service, fire& rescue service etc). When's the next election so we can get rid of this government?
#4 - amp88
The POWER of internet petitions.
#7 - amp88
Internet petitions mean less than beauty contests.
(ussbeethoven) DELETED by ussbeethoven
Quote from ussbeethoven :Not if, the question is when (seriously).

Myea, anyways ... i would hate them for spyng on me or something. I think that it isnt a right way to do whatever theyr tryng to do. And if theyr gonna apply this stuff world wide - then, were doomed! :bananadea
(deggis) DELETED by deggis
is there no depths this government won't go to to make sure it has tabs on everybody in this country at all times? All it serves to do is alienate the population, this is already a seriously bad survellaince society but if that ever goes through then it'll be a survelliance society at the absolute extreme.
Quote from hrtburnout :

I'm sat here like

On topic - This is crap, our government is shit and that's all there is to it. This is not Big Brother, we have free rights and right to free, unsupervised internet browsing. We're not 12.
Quote from mookie427 :is there no depths this government won't go to to make sure it has tabs on everybody in this country at all times? All it serves to do is alienate the population, this is already a seriously bad survellaince society but if that ever goes through then it'll be a survelliance society at the absolute extreme.

Some people would say it's already happening (this type of surveillance) but this move would allow the surveillance to be used legally against anyone they wanted to prosecute.
to put it bluntly, they can piss off
Great, I can't walk to the shops without being seen on CCTV, and now I can't use the internet without being monitored. Should be a laugh, I am usually engaged in some kind of discussion about using force to overthrow our tyrannical government, luckily I'm a white middle class male born in this country, so I can't be a terrorist by our governments logic. That petition would probably work in a democracy, unfortunately that's not what we have in the UK.
The title is still confusing me there has to be a word missing, that or i just don't get whatever 'it' is.
That link is just total b*llocks, makes no sense, how does leaving a word out of a sentence ever make sense?
Quote from piggy501 :Wheres the petition to get rid of the government and have a Royal Family that don't screw the country then reap the benefits whilst stealing all our money through tax one way or another?

I was going to the petition but then decided not to.
Quote from danthebangerboy :That link is just total b*llocks, makes no sense, how does leaving a word out of a sentence ever make sense?

Engauge sense of humour.

Tip, it's not supposed to make sense.
Ohhhh NOW I get it

I accidentally the whole internet
(48 posts, started )