The online racing simulator
Skin Downloading
(25 posts, started )
Skin Downloading
Hello. it might seem selfish, but I dont like people using my skins. So are there any ways to prevent from people using my skins. even though the others are using it already? I really like the skin (Calsonic) I made, but I dont want other people to use it without my permission. So I decided that I wont use my skin too. So I want the people who is using my skin to stop using it. The skin I'm talking about is the one for XRR and XFR. The colour is Calsonic blue, and you will see the logo of Bridgestone, Total, Nissan, and Calsonic with it. First of all, I heard that its not allowed that people are using others skin, unless its for public use. So please stop using it! Please! Thank you
#2 - Vain
You could remove the skin from your LFSworld-account.
Then again, they could just upload your skin to their own lfsworld-account...

Oh, and a good tip for future skins:
Always put your name on the skin. That way no people use your skin, because either they are too lazy to change the name on the skin or they can use photoshop themselves and do their own skin.

#3 - Gunn
You can not stop someone from using any skin that is available. All you can do is ask people not to. Put a short comment on the skin saying that it is private and that it should be put in the skins_x folder. There's not much else you can do if you still want others to see your skin when you are using it online.
Just curious why? It's just a skin. And not a private team skin. If you don't show it e.g. here on the forums no one knows about it. Of course people would still download your skin but I don't think many would even use that 512x512 px crappy version which is downloaded to the skins_x folder.
If you have a skin you don't want anyone to use... don't distribute it (ie. Don't upload it to LFSW, don't post it here on the forum, don't give it to people that want to use it).

You could always just keep the skin to yourself, and use it in the game. Nobody else will ever see it of course, but you could give it to friends that you know wont use it themselves. However, the big issue here is.... you just have to not take it so personally if someone uses your skin, and if you do want anonymous people to see your skin online, you have to deal with the possiblility of someone using it

TIP: If someone does use your skin, you could always try this payback trick Lets say you uploaded a skin to LFSW called XFR_myskin.jpg. Sure people will download that skin and if you see someone using the skin and it has the same filename.... just go onto LFSW and reupload the skin.... BUT this time the skin will not be the nice and pretty one you cherish.... you would have to upload a skin that is ugly as hell, and has the writing "I STOLE THIS SKIN, AND I'M GOING TO STEAL YOURS" all over the car. Now you have everyone downloading that skin when he uses it, and they can laugh. (Of course, this doesn't prevent them from renaming the original skin and reuploading it to LFSW, but it will be funny when they are absolutely clueless to know what the 'other' skin looks like to people online)
Wait, I'm getting confused.
But I havent uploaded to LFSW, uploaded on Forum, and I havent even give it to anyone. I'm getting confused. How does skin downloading work?
If you uploaded your skin to forum, that means anyone can download it from there and use it. You can never prevent anyone from using your skin once you upload it to web, but go to and upload your skin there. That will make your skin automatically download to other players and the skin will go in to the skins_x folder, so other people can't use it unless they move the file from there.
Hmm. Thats strange. I haven't uploaded the skin to LFSW, but I see some people using my skin.
Oh, I see
So, by uploading into LFSW, it might prevent from people using the skins.
Ok, I will do it
No, uploading on LFSW is so people will see your skin online. And they SEE your skin online because the auto-download feature saves your skin in their skins_x folder... then they would have the skin file and can use it.

And as Gunn said above, their is nothing you can do to stop people from using your skin. You are better off just not uploading the skin publicly ANYWHERE, then nobody will see your skin and/or use it.
Ok. Sorry for my confusion. So I better delete that skin from my folder, and whenever I find other people using it, I should stop them
Quote from Tweaker :
TIP: If someone does use your skin, you could always try this payback trick Lets say you uploaded a skin to LFSW called XFR_myskin.jpg. Sure people will download that skin and if you see someone using the skin and it has the same filename.... just go onto LFSW and reupload the skin.... BUT this time the skin will not be the nice and pretty one you cherish.... you would have to upload a skin that is ugly as hell, and has the writing "I STOLE THIS SKIN, AND I'M GOING TO STEAL YOURS" all over the car. Now you have everyone downloading that skin when he uses it, and they can laugh. (Of course, this doesn't prevent them from renaming the original skin and reuploading it to LFSW, but it will be funny when they are absolutely clueless to know what the 'other' skin looks like to people online)

wow, never thought of that before, very cool tip! I'll keep that in mind! Thanks!
Quote from d1daisuki :Ok. Sorry for my confusion. So I better delete that skin from my folder, and whenever I find other people using it, I should stop them

Aghh, no, I think you're still lost. :doh:

You can keep the skin on your computer, in your skins folder. But you just shouldn't have any traces of the skin online... so delete it from LFSW, Forums, wherever you put it publicly online.

If you still see people with your skin, then they already got it from a long time ago, and there isn't anything you can do about that really.
Thats what I thought at the beginning. Ive never put the skin in the LFSW and any forums. First of all, I've never been to LFSW. I just kept in my skins folder. But why do I see others using my skin?

Sorry, I'm Japanese and I've started LFS last fall, and this was the first time to create a skin, so I'm getting confused. Thanks for all kindness
I misunderstood that you would have uploaded your skin to a forum, but the thing is, if you have never given the skin to anyone, no-one else could have used it to start with.

Are you 100% sure it was your skin that you saw to be used by someone else? If you made a skin that looks exactly like a D1 car or some other real-life race car, someone might have made a skin that looks like one already and therefore might be very similar to the skin you made.
If you have never put it ANYWHERE online, then how someone has your skin is a mystery. Are you a 100% it is your skin? Have you looked at the file closely?

Is it just some white Trueno skin? Because a lot of people have made their own versions of that skin... chances are yours looks exactly the same... or close enough.

Only one way to know would be to show us your skin, but then that would allow us to use your skin, and you wouldn't want that, hehehe :doh:

EDIT: lol @ Matrixi
I would just like to say, people only use skins they like, I know you don't want anyone else using it, but at least you know a lot of people like it!!!
Quote from Tweaker :TIP: If someone does use your skin, you could always try this payback trick .....

Would this work? I would think it would get messed up as the date of the file on their PC would be different than the uploaded file to LFSW.

Quote :Only one way to know would be to show us your skin, but then that would allow us to use your skin, and you wouldn't want that, hehehe :doh:

A screenshot of the skin used ingame would work.
Hmm. I'm 100% that the skin was mine. Let me tell the story LOL. about 4 weeks ago, I created the calsonic colored skin for XFR, and I used that skin to race in multiplayer. Of course I didnt upload into LFSW or other Forums. Few days later, I found XFR running with my skin in multiplayer. I just ignored that guy. I found that the skin color was too dark, and I didnt like it. So I painted to brighter blue, with the program, and I started to use that skin again. The next day, I found people running with the updated color!! This tells that the skin was mine right? But I havent uploaded to LFSW or anything. Hmm, Strange LOL
If you didn't post it on the internet or upload to LFSW then it cannot be your skin...

If you did post it somewhere then it MIGHT be.

Are you sure you didn't put it on a website, or send it to someone who might have put it on the net?
Hmm. I dont know how to upload into the website, and I dont really have LFS friend that I gave skin to. So this is strange. i thought the skin was exactly mine, but I might want to check more carefully, when I found it next time, and ask them where they got it. Thanks for help guys!!
#22 - Gunn
Try this for an explanation. You made a skin that has the same file name as an existing skin. You are seeing your own skin but everyone else is seeing the original skin that someone made with the same filename.
That might be totally right!!!! LOL Because I didnt know how to use the skin, so I just named the skin LFSW or something, which was already existing. So does it mean that when ever I see people using for example XFR_LFSW, does it mean Im just seeing my own skin? Oh my god I was so stupid. Because recently I dont see my skin in multiplayer, even though I was looking for it to stop them, because I deleted the file.

Oh my god, if that was true I'm so sorry!!!
THanks for great help, and very sorry!!
Hahaha, I used to do that too, back in the old days
Quote from d1daisuki :Hmm. I'm 100% that the skin was mine. Let me tell the story LOL. about 4 weeks ago, I created the calsonic colored skin for XFR, and I used that skin to race in multiplayer. Of course I didnt upload into LFSW or other Forums. Few days later, I found XFR running with my skin in multiplayer. I just ignored that guy. I found that the skin color was too dark, and I didnt like it. So I painted to brighter blue, with the program, and I started to use that skin again. The next day, I found people running with the updated color!! This tells that the skin was mine right? But I havent uploaded to LFSW or anything. Hmm, Strange LOL

So it is called XFR_LFSW? If you made the skin and gave it a name of a skin that already comes with the game, then you will see people using your skin!!!!! But they really wouldn't have your skin, it is just them using a skinfile with the same name, but looks different. So in this case, whenever they use the LFSW skin in LFS, to you it looks like they are using your skin. Change the name of the skin, and put this skin back in your skins folder
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Skin Downloading
(25 posts, started )