The online racing simulator
Quote from viper-gt :When I first switch on my computer, my DFP turns from lock to lock(2 1/2 turns each way I think) then it turns 90 degrees left, then 180 degrees right, then back to centre. I presume this is normal, but what follows is not.

I am in a race, I exit the pits, turn left, the wheels stops working, it switches off completely, then it does exactly what I outlined above, it eventually centers itself again, then the lights go off. It does this AGAIN, sometimes it does it anywhere up to 4 times, this can happen as soon as I join a game, or 100 yards infront of the finish line on the last lap.

I can honestly say that my DFP ownership thus far has been absolutely shit, it caused my computer to blue screen the very first time I tried to use it, it resets 3-4 times every hour or so, its just so ****ing annoying.

If ANYBODY else has this problem please help me, i've tried the logitech support site, but the DFP is not listed in the dropdown boxes for the steering wheels.


sounds like a problem with the fuse but im not sure since i dont own a dfp. but there are problems with momo wheels and some speaker systems from logitech and its fuses.
I have a problem with the DFP's brake pedal. When i push the pedal all the way down, it brakes only 50% or even 30% sometimes. I don't have time to send it to Logitech under its waranty. Dont tell me that way

So is there a way to fix it on my own? and are momo pedals and dfp pedals same?

thanks for the help.
Quote from jspec :I have a problem with the DFP's brake pedal. When i push the pedal all the way down, it brakes only 50% or even 30% sometimes. I don't have time to send it to Logitech under its waranty. Dont tell me that way

So is there a way to fix it on my own? and are momo pedals and dfp pedals same?

thanks for the help.

as far as i know they are pretty much the same but im not sure at all.
you may have a look at this page

but i admid you to wait what people say that owns a dfp because i have got a momo.
MOMO racing force wheel problem
hi, first of all i gotta say i dont speak english usually, im having problems with my momo racing force wheel its a new product i bought it about 3 days ago. I tried first to just plug it on my pc whitout install cd driver and play.. everything was goiing find exept the ff led was off so the ff effect are not working, of course i tried all proper setting like verouillage du calibrage et retour de force (ff) at YES but nothing make the ff led on, then i tried to install de cd driver then i go in lfs the ff led light up but their was no more center force and the pedal wont work at all. i unistalled the proggram , started the game again and i get an error at the launch saying SetProperty Failed , i can start a race and enter, the wheel work but with the ff led off an pedal dont work. i tried the last driver at logitech team but still the same problemS thx for your help ps: i have usb2 port, windows xp an a powerfull pc sorry for the bad english and the long post
Quote from MataGyula :Hi all
I think I got a problem with my Momo Racing pedals . As the easiest way to explain something is to show the problem , I made a small video in lfs, so you can see what is the problem. The brake pedal goes up smoothly, but the throttle is just crazy :S
take a look at the vid please, and help me what to do with it ,please !
Thx in advance !

I have exactlly same "problem". It's very usual problem and called "spikey pedal movement" or something. Sometimes the movement gets smoother if I just very fast slam the throttle pedal up and down. I have 6 months left of warranty, so I'll think I'm gonna change it to a new one... at least it should be enough to get a new pedals because it's so usual model issue.
Quote from iOL(Qc) :hi, first of all i gotta say i dont speak english usually, im having problems with my momo racing force wheel its a new product i bought it about 3 days ago. I tried first to just plug it on my pc whitout install cd driver and play.. everything was goiing find exept the ff led was off so the ff effect are not working, of course i tried all proper setting like verouillage du calibrage et retour de force (ff) at YES but nothing make the ff led on, then i tried to install de cd driver then i go in lfs the ff led light up but their was no more center force and the pedal wont work at all. i unistalled the proggram , started the game again and i get an error at the launch saying SetProperty Failed , i can start a race and enter, the wheel work but with the ff led off an pedal dont work. i tried the last driver at logitech team but still the same problemS thx for your help ps: i have usb2 port, windows xp an a powerfull pc sorry for the bad english and the long post

ok i try to exlpain as easy as possible:

1. you need the latest Software (4.60), only install it nothing more

2. go here: and try either the settings from tristancliffe (smoother but hard to drive)

or my settings (more accurate and good to drive for me )

3. In case you have installed the software and found a good setting for the game, there is no Center Force like when you have no ForceFeedback. Thats ok because the faster you go, the more Center Force appears which is logical because you need only Center Force at higher speeds. At lower speeds, the forces gets less and you can control the car better.

4. Allways be sure that, while in Game the FF Light (right side) is on, if not press shift+C or simple turn FF in the Control Menu OFF and ON again. Calibrate/use all axis to maximum/minimum and than you should be able to drive and have fun

5. The pedals probable wont work because theres a Option where you can use the pedals either togehter or only one at a time. Which means you can either only brake or throttle at once or both together called "Tail Braking". Dont use the first one because you need to brake and throttle to get faster in many situations. This option can be set in the "Logitech Joystick settings and in the Game itself" be sure both is equal. And if the pedals still dont work go back to game, and behind the axis there is a button called "Invert" use this and it should work.

Hope this was a help. Good luck mate
Quote from 510N3D :ok i try to exlpain as easy as possible:

1. you need the latest Software (4.60), only install it nothing more

2. go here: and try either the settings from tristancliffe (smoother but hard to drive)

or my settings (more accurate and good to drive for me )

3. In case you have installed the software and found a good setting for the game, there is no Center Force like when you have no ForceFeedback. Thats ok because the faster you go, the more Center Force appears which is logical because you need only Center Force at higher speeds. At lower speeds, the forces gets less and you can control the car better.

4. Allways be sure that, while in Game the FF Light (right side) is on, if not press shift+C or simple turn FF in the Control Menu OFF and ON again. Calibrate/use all axis to maximum/minimum and than you should be able to drive and have fun

5. The pedals probable wont work because theres a Option where you can use the pedals either togehter or only one at a time. Which means you can either only brake or throttle at once or both together called "Tail Braking". Dont use the first one because you need to brake and throttle to get faster in many situations. This option can be set in the "Logitech Joystick settings and in the Game itself" be sure both is equal. And if the pedals still dont work go back to game, and behind the axis there is a button called "Invert" use this and it should work.

Hope this was a help. Good luck mate

thanks a lot for ur reply i did what u said an it all come right exept for the :LFS Wheel turn angle , in ur setting it was 240 degree, at 240 theire is too much sensibility and the ff goes crazy (shake from side to side) i setted it to 460 an its fine ok im goiing for sum wr now
hmm the Momo has 240° by default so i think you had to much force feedback. I use 100% in Logitech Software and 20% ingame and i think you had more then i set-up ingame but as long as it works now great to hear have fun
The pedals of doom
OK, upgraded my system, formatted, reinstalled windows + drivers, everything working great, but the pedals on my momo have gone "all digital". i.e. on or off. Multiple driver removals/re-installs and system reboots not helping. Using v4.60 drivers.

At this stage, help appreciated.

Edit: the racing pedals update doesn't help either
Today I lost my force feedback in LFS, I have a DFP. Last week it still worked, I changed nothing in LFS, and now it stopped working. My force feedback works great in windows test thingy.
did you allready tried shift+c?
yes, reboot too...
hmm and if you install a clean lfs just to try ff there?

what about other games? same effect?
I'll try a fresh install. I don't really have any other game installed to try, racer stopped working a few days ago with some error I don't really care about and I don't have any other games installed...

I'm downloading LFS right now!

Redownloaded LFS, didn't work at first, tinkered a bit with windows settings of my wheel, and suddenly it started to work again. I just put all back to default settings, changed it again to what it was and it worked... Thanks for trying to help, appreciate it.
#67 - Jakg
Quote from sgt.flippy :I'll try a fresh install. I don't really have any other game installed to try, racer stopped working a few days ago with some error I don't really care about and I don't have any other games installed...

I'm downloading LFS right now!

have any other controllers plugged in? if so make sure that LFS is sending the ff to the right one! and is ff on in lfs? you can check both of these in Options>Controllers>Axes/Force Feedback btw
Quote from Jakg :have any other controllers plugged in? if so make sure that LFS is sending the ff to the right one! and is ff on in lfs? you can check both of these in Options>Controllers>Axes/Force Feedback btw

I already edited my post that it was fixed, but yes, I checked those Like I said earlier today to my brother in law, I'm not a complete retard, just have some hunches
I started to notice this myself, and it's become more common for the moment on my DFP.

When on a straight, on any car, I notice that the wheel is slightly turned, telling itself as it is infact straight, and because of it, it acts like that the whole race.. Does anyone have this problem? Is there a way to solve it to stop that from happening? I tried reinstalling the drivers, no change whatsoever, the wheel would act squint by inches on LFS.

Problem fixed.
Quote from letdown427 :I have a DFP, and whenever the wheel is central, it jerks and twitches from side to side.
It is not a simulation of the cars behaviour, I'd go into detail, but i'd rather just say it isn't, i'm positive. As soon as the wheel is no longer centered, the problem stops. I have the force feedback set to 200 in LFS, and have tried reducing it to get rid of the problem, but it has to be set down to below 25 before it is unnoticable, at which point the cars feel hugely over assissted. I was wondering if this has been encountered by anyone else?
I really don't want to have to turn my FF right down, but the straights are just so aggrevating when the wheel is twitching constantly. Even when parked up, it turns left and right, leaving my poor driver flailing his virtual arms.
In the wingman profiler, I have most of the settings on full also, except the centering srping is on 0% I think, im at work at the moment, but will check later, ive tried toying with these ad nauseum, and have just tried to deal with the twitching. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Sorry for the long post.

I got the same problem...going down the straights it's kinda like a really loose tie rod. Also i have to hit [esc] after a race to chat so the wheel won't jerk left/right...Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!
My Momo always twitched when I first started running LFS (had Momo before LFS 2 yrs ago). I solved it by getting rid of the ridiculous 100%/100% FF in windows/LFS. I run 60%/35-50% in windows/LFS and it feels much more real and I feel more by using less. Folks complain about not feeling the curbs. I feel them. Other's don't feel them because of too high of FF setting and other stuff overpowering the suttle feelings.
I have my Momo now about 2 month and I'm quite disappointed. After 3 month it is making a lot of platic noise while turning the wheel. To get the wheel right clibrated is not always easy and sometimes it takes a while. The break pedal is in the moment my big problem cause from time to time during the race it get's not back to 0. I do have all the little programm installed.

This wasn't the best experience and I'm going to exchange it. Hopfully the next will be better (not Momo).
those wheels doesnt have problem,all you have to know with dfp is the wingman team site and use their program,and to know the button combinations...
I got all their programs but isn't really gone
The pedal problem you describe may not be fixed by software. I had that too in my DFP (pretty same mechanism).
I found that, as a solution but I know that is not going to last for long.
Its the same problem with the accelerator pedal...

But the pedals still work fine after 2 months.

Logitech DFP and Momo Problems
(186 posts, started )