Only thing i like here is website, even if it's not finished (at least i hope so :schwitz. Anyway, TheStig, i suggest you to calm down a bit. Sit down, decide what do you want, do it and stay behind it untill the end. Also, dont copy already made teams and their ideas, becouse it's making you stupid, not anyone else. There's no other recipie for a sucsessful team probably.
The only thing is Nobody I cant decide what todo atm going mad isnt the option but still doing what its doing cant help so I'm going to run this undercover till the end.
[LCC] Server - OFFLINE (Finished will be online tommorow) [LCC] Websites - ONLINE Subject to Terms And Conditions and Avaiblity and liable for change at anytime.
You have been saying silly comments to us we do not accept any abuse against us but comments which includes, improvements, will be accepted as a comment.
1. Ash we're not copying you.
2. I will be hosting the servers Tech Support will be helping me with my internet.
3. We are not failing we have all our servers ready we just need to relese them which is currently being disscussed within the team.
This is just my opinon is that my team is going great we're just moving along at a very slow pace you'll see when we relese our servers you'll be proved wrong some day.
Stig; Your sig says "FA Racing Team. That is my new challenge for the year !!!". Based on recent events, i take it a year means a week. As i said before, get 1 idea and sick with it.
Bah, dont bother Josh.
Btw, dear [LCC] "owners". If you're bunch of noobish kids, who cant make anything from their head, better to leave everything. After you were clearly "busted" that you copied [TC] rules (you even forgot to remove Copyright signs) - which you changed becouse of it after -, you're copying [TC] Police Training forums. They're exactly the same and i am getting sick of this now. Me and other leaders of the team are paying a lot of free time into it and everything was done with precision, than you go and copy it exactly the same. What do you think, that people will think that it's yours?
Be sure to check threads, some of them (from what i checked untill now) are exactly the same.
Anyway, i am just wondering what layout are you using for "trainings" also...