Pleaaase! Implement this into LFS in some way!
Todat i AGAIN saw a person with my private skin online :bananadea
He was using my private DriftWorks skin, and after we told him to take it off, he took it off, and used another skin, which was our teamskin!
He is known for stealing other people's skins.. Couldn't we just ban those disrespectful people from LFS?
They usually dont know how much time and effort goes into the making of only 1 skin.. Imagine how much time i had to spend on our teamskin pack! And about a month ago, i saw someone with that skin online, and i saw a screenshot from another person, which also contained the skin!
SamH, the moderator said: If you don't want people to see the skins, don't upload them to LFSWorld.. But that's the problem now! We want other people to see them, but we don't want them to be able to rip them!
And the stealers, just drive around, pissing people off, every time they get out of the pits. . . And there's nothing we can do about it now, i guess??