The online racing simulator
donut anyone?
burning some rubber...
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FZ50 by night, leaving light trails..
If it was a long exposure (to create the long brake light trails) then the headlights illumination would also leave a 'trail' too, making the rest of the scene stand out a bit. The car itself would remain dark, silhouetted against the illuminated track.
i know tristan, but i realized it a tad too late, so i didn't bother correcting it.. enjoy it as it is! btw, your bad words, does for sure make sure noone will click my link now.

"Cause if tristan dosn't like, well, nor do i!"

:P hehe J/K


FZ50 SuperAmerica Convertible
A few pics ...
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blackwood hill.jpg
XRR station.jpg
imo the grass in the last pic is a lot too dark

@Tomas Stiborek: very cool, and lol at the noob pic
^yea the grass is kind of dark, but its too late now
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blackwood sunset.jpg
Nice pics Vale


FZ50C (convertible) and FZ50 "long exsposure"
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yeah nice spotted..

anyway, i was just making sure people saw them, now that tristan sprinkled his stardust on them..
here's a wallpaper I did, I would like to think what you think of it
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Celicas wpp small.jpg
I don't like improper usage of the lens flare in Photoshop, it doesn't occur caused by headlights.
That and since it's being used by Photoshop rookies far too much, I've grown tired of it.
Other than the lensflare it's a great pic.
([Matt]) DELETED by [Matt]
Just my Senna's picture. New wallpaper
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yeah !!! good
yeahhhh goood pics all here
Couple of pics ...
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FXR evening.jpg
Awesome Luke, that left one is now my desktop background!
Im loving the "corvette" i think i'll go hit up a couple of shots like this one!

Edited pics
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