The online racing simulator
thought so, and yours is nicer actually, hehe
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tpc wallpaper2.jpg
Just a random quickie...
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chasing the storm.jpg
My first.
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some edited pics of mine...
(i`m in the black car :P team skin =)

youve admitted you dont have S2, so what are you doing on Westhill, a non-demo track?
long story....
Quote from Jakg :youve admitted you dont have S2, so what are you doing on Westhill, a non-demo track?

Do you have to be a presumptuous (what do you know, it turned out that your accusation was uncalled for after all - look bellow) fart-knocker and police the forums? We have mods for that, I can recall more than one occasion when they have told you to report these posts, not take it into your own hands. I know it would mean one less post for your almighty post-count but there's a reason why they tell you to do this and it is because when you do, threads turn into retarded rants and go off topic like this one is going now. Also, you could do with looking like you have a bit more of a life than LFSforum. And if you're gonna continue this, please don't try to argue that every post of yours is useful. /rant.
Please leave my friend Sebastian alone(oxide.drftr) He was at my place on my computer, on MY license playing with some other prodrive members...(on S2) through my license. And he took some pictures, which i told him to post. Silly him he forgot to mention the detail that he was playing on my computer. His english is also not the best, thats why he mentioned. "Long story"
That's all fine then.

And, as Axus says, I'd rather there was no discussion about crackers, just report the post and we'll make a decision. As much as crackers aren't welcomed it doesn't do anything positive when you accuse them in public.
Im sorry if this caused a huge inconvenience... maybe some people need to be more leniant and give the benefit of the doubt
Quote from LineR32 :
Cleaned 2 of the shots up, you can find the origonals(sp) in the Raw Screenshots thread.

I would of done more to them but i'm knackered.

lads,how do ye do all this picture editing ??
some old picz...`s ok to post them with the direct link?! if not , i`ll post the next ones with thumbnails...just let me know...

Couple of pics ...
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07renault test.jpg
bl crest.jpg
Hello again...

I updated some of my pics, couse some had mistakes in it, i only could see on my dads TFT Monitor. Hope you like the updates!

Here we go!

100% rendering free!
Boohooo!Its a shame i cant use them all as wallpaper many great pictures!
You,sir are an editing god!
MAAAN, are u some kind of alien or what?
Congratulations, u got skills, a lot WOW
alot of classic ones i remember from some time ago switcher :up:
Guys this is my first attempt, i tried something more artistic then realistic, (in a hurry cos lighting and maybe color is to be fixed)
Consider that i don't use rendering software, so i used viewer
What do u think?
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Thanks for the nice comments

Yeah, there are some classic ones in too

@Scorpio: the car in front looks totaly unrealistic... that one behind is in a nice effect. with only this car, the pic should look much better....

Mines are without rendering too! out of one picture.
Nice pics, but you only changed one of them and the rest are exactly the the same as before
no, dont know why you think that... ? I changed every of them, but i allways upload the same filenames, so the older pics get overwrited ... I hate waste on my Webspace!

They are all changed. The big Problem was, that a TFT has another brightness, and i saw much mistakes int the Darker parts of the pic, i would have never seen on my old Screen!

So trust me
Quote from Switcher83 :no, dont know why you think that... ?

They are all linked to the same page as the old pics apart from FZred, which used to be FZreal, and they are all the same file size as before except FZred, and they all look the same as the old pics from my TFT monitor as well ... except FZred. I rest my case

Edited pics
(14106 posts, started )