The online racing simulator
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I actually really like the first Spyker pic there Vale, nice work
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my first try at vector graphics.Sucks,but hey,first time.
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vector practice 1.png

pls comment
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well nice and simple

PS: do you play Nadeo games (Like Trackmania Nations?)
, yes i played trackmania , i liked nadeo...
I used to be a Trackmania Nations addict...

TM Sunrise was just naff...

It was fun for a while when i got my clan into it..
was on 9th for a while in the whole Country of norway in TMN
Quote from LFSn00b :Simple and clean

I just blurred the wheels, and it looks great :P

Looks like you blurred the entire picture.
J.Gordon on LFS
As you can tell, i was bored.
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flying cars.jpg
Spent about 2 hours on this last night. First try at anything more intensive than a quick motion blur. I based the look on a picture from this year's 12 hours of Sebring. I know it looks very fake and surreal, but that is almost exactly how the real photograph looks

I removed the mountains in the background so I could get a larger sky area, too. I'm not happy with the road and the lights reflecting on the road, but I wasn't sure exactly how to do it.

Anyways, here it is.
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Quote from KanseiDneova :As you can tell, i was bored.

hey insomniac

Quote from MAGGOT :I know it looks very fake and surreal, but that is almost exactly how the real photograph looks

they can say postcard beauty, but wow, my new wallpaper
Maggot that looks very good! The only problem I can spot is the lightning. I think the car is a bit too bright, especially considering that the sun is just rising and is behind the car.

Otherwise, as I already said, very nicely done!
Thanks guys The car may be a little bright (I've also recieved a comment that it looks a little too sharp) but the whole image has a hue adjustment and brightness/contrast adjustment. I think the reason it looks brighter is because the hue adjustment is overtop a (mostly) bright yellow car verses a darker background.

I think it may be a little too red as well, but that's one of the major problems being sorta colour blind. :P

Thanks for the comments guys. I might tweak it a little and post a second version. I made this for my new Walpaper, too. Too bad I only grabbed the pic at 1440x900... it's too small for my laptop desktop. haha
Two more from me. I tested out something I saw earlier in this, so it's not really original. Thanks to pdanev for learning me some fiter-usage.

Originals are 1280 * 960 pix.
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Edited pics
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