The "night" pic looks really nice , but how about adding a little blur to the wheels, also the light could be a little more ... lightish I mean the headlights should be completely bright ... imho
btw lol @ your number plate
cote d arboz ? Cant wait for my new pc, to get back to playing rbr... My stats werent too bad, some of my times are still in top100 in plugin page
Nice edit niko,
Dont want to go offtopic, but whats your best time there ? WRC?
heres mine I think http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=FC7oNSFsvx0
Btw, respect to Taavi(EST) .. What do you use to make em, some high qual textures too ? They look photo-realistic
I present to you two simple edits. I wish I had hi-res textures for the Formula BMW and perhaps a better graphics card
Anyhoo, they turned out OK and I might have more in stock tomorrow.