The online racing simulator
BF1 in the spotlight at night when flying after crash
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BF1 spotlight.jpg
Dedicate to chanoman315
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LFS 2008-02-23 12-54-40-35.jpg
Sweet as always, lynce.
Quote from Lynce :Dedicate to chanoman315

Its nice, but next time try to remove the reflections of sky on the hood.
ahhhhh i laughed so loud i woke my mum up!
Quote from Don :maybe it doesn`t belong here, but where then?
original quote on the LFS pic by srdsprinter

and its nothing against LFS, it`s just the fact that im sick of WRC (in general) being overlooked by media, when in fact, THERE are the best drivers (imho).

The best in a long while.
whaha, indeed a dutch comercial. had to laugh very hard when i saw it the first time on the television but its still funny
I Like when people say me: "nice, but.. nice, but..." Hahahaha.

I like your comentary, Spangler_CZE and I taked note for the next time.

Well, this is dedicate to Spangler_CZE:
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RAC 2.jpg
Quote from Lynce :
I like your comentary, Spangler_CZE and I taked note for the next time.

Well, this is dedicate to Spangler_CZE:

Well, it looks much better than before, BUT (hahahah) try to brush it around lights and everywhere where is reflection with the sky. It will looks different I think (maybe)
But the reflections are still everywhere else, except hood.

EDIT: Same time and same idea with sprangler.
Quote from Lynce :I Like when people say me: "nice, but.. nice, but..." Hahahaha.

I like your comentary, Spangler_CZE and I taked note for the next time.

Well, this is dedicate to Spangler_CZE:

I like it more with reflection With matt it looks flat so I think reflections or... render
Dedicate to AnRand:
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LFS 2008-02-27 23-18-15-75.jpg
as always lynce, nice
Quote from hadesko :
New team

absolutely awesome, i donno why i love it so much, i just do its great! but the smoke affect is kinda a bit dodgy, if your using photoshop i have some nice smoke brushes i could give you. PM me.
It's bad. :|
Hadesko - tasty. :>
hes trying
Today's twin with Ogijs - Funnieh accident @ ''S'' Corner before pits @ Fern Pie.
Ogijs got high speed and he hitted tyres next to me, so he flew pretty high, hitted my windshield and flew more higher.
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It's my second edit and i don't run lfs to it's maximum graphic settings and stuff (running it on a mac via crossover). But feld like doing an edit
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1888 FXO EDIT.jpg

Edited pics
(14107 posts, started )