The online racing simulator
You left the area behind the windscreen "normal", the dust-cloud (is that the right word ? ) should be visible there, too (you shouldn't be able to see the rails). Also the green LX can be seen way too clearly, i think that all the floating/flying dust and sand that is left behind the first one should "mask" the car behind. Other than that, it looks frikin' nice, i love the way you made the red one's rear wheel look, and the dirt all over the cars, brilliant! Keep 'em comin' ;D
Quote from MataGyula :@rap-tea-kewl
You left the area behind the windscreen "normal", the dust-cloud (is that the right word ? ) should be visible there, too (you shouldn't be able to see the rails). Also the green LX can be seen way too clearly, i think that all the floating/flying dust and sand that is left behind the first one should "mask" the car behind. Other than that, it looks frikin' nice, i love the way you made the red one's rear wheel look, and the dirt all over the cars, brilliant! Keep 'em comin' ;D

thats for the constructive criticism

here's alittle fix ... l/PS%20pics/Dirtedit2.jpg

added a little orangish lightning for a really sunny day like hope you guys like
You're welcome! :]

made new skinz yo
krauklis, nice smoke on the last pic
(Lynce) DELETED by Lynce : bad english
Quote from Lynce :lx6, the best.

Feat, thanks for past comments. I don't readed.

i wanna be in your list too

its:i didn't read
el es espanol :P he is allowed to do gramattical mistakes :P
My favourite BMW, nice work, Taavi!
Just a quickie of my wip Duracell skin.

Color and black/white version.
Attached images
FXR Duracell edit co.png
FXR Duracell edit bw.png
Some Sick Edits People!

Quote from Taavi(EST) :Why is the lambo in the mirrors driving backwards?

its not driving backwards, its just on the other side of the road and going out of the city
reminds me of the gumball type rallies

Edited pics
(14108 posts, started )