The online racing simulator
one from me
Here's an rb4 trying to eat my lx6.
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Quote from feat :That is really awesome, man. Going to leave a vote for you.

Simple edits.
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Some Blackwood rallystage action..
One more from me.

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Here are some screens of me and my teambuddy drifting on the skidpad
**notice the custom DriftWorks seats **

in Photoshop i only did: -20 brightness, +90 Contrast
Here's one
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Promotion of a new drift skin :
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I made couple of pictures from LFS Pro Series...I don't like any of the pictures, but since I made them, I'll post them here... Today wasn't the right morning for editing the pictures.
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Screw the VWS, the AE86 rocks!
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AE86 1.jpg
AE86 2.jpg
This mod is ugly, LFS cars Rocks
Quote from Flame CZE :That looks un-edited

He added a lot of jaggie lines so they look like no AA and AF were used for the pic.
Thats a really ugly car.
By registering to this site you are ensuring me, MagnoT, that you know these are personal files.

LFS forum privacy terms clearly doesn't allow body shape modifications; therefore, you shall not publish screenshots and videos using them on LFS forum.

From Magnots site.
Wow, Nice editing , not to keen on the smoke, I like the skin, nice car too heh
Quote from EmilO :By registering to this site you are ensuring me, MagnoT, that you know these are personal files.

LFS forum privacy terms clearly doesn't allow body shape modifications; therefore, you shall not publish screenshots and videos using them on LFS forum.

From Magnots site.

He is allowing to download the files for the whole world, and he thinks that nobody will post them anywhere? C'mon there are so many people who probably didn't even read that when registering, they just download and post them in every forum...

BTW, today's hottest topic "AE86 in LFS"...
Quote from EmilO :From Magnots site.

You can't only release .vob's, u can show screenshots (and this is EDITED pics, they maybe photoshopped AE86 from GRID lol).
Quote from Flame CZE :That looks un-edited

Ohh wrong thread I taught this was Edit my screenshot
Well if someone will please edit it !
(Dmt) DELETED by Dmt

Edited pics
(14107 posts, started )