The online racing simulator
@ TheBlackBullet, smoke looks a bit too bright, maybe less opacity would work, other than that it looks good
once I also tried to make smoke with brushes, here is the result (its very old picture)

@ skiper in 2nd picture smoke is made wrong
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BAD, Reinis, Sway drift_nsys.png
Why the smoke should be to bright? Its looking good.
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :I'm sorry to say but your smoke sucks dick. And in this one the smoke is atleast partly real, you have just c/p the car over some real drifter.

Dude... do you have to act like such a dick when it comes to others work?
You didn't need the "sucks dick" in that sentence...

(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48
first 1 is pretty real looking,need a lil fix around the tire tho
Quote from skiper :Thanks for criticism.
Simply I still here did not see more detailed smoke, in all pictures all do strongly blur )

Smoke isn't "detailed" in real life. Atleast smoke that comes from car tires.
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :Smoke isn't "detailed" in real life. Atleast smoke that comes from car tires.

Well it is exact such as in LFS
(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48
I personally prefer to use small sized brush 1-5px create roundly shaped forms around the places where i want the smoke to be, then smudge the lines out with smudge tool. I repeat this on several layers and use different colors to create depth in to it.

Some of my old edits, just an example it's not realistic smoke but i kinda like it.

Quote from Tazka :I personally prefer to use small sized brush 1-5px create roundly shaped forms around the places where i want the smoke to be, then smudge the lines out with smudge tool. I repeat this on several layers and use different colors to create depth in to it.

Some of my old edits, just an example it's not realistic smoke but i kinda like it.

Totally agree with you. That is the way.

Astonishing pic, brother. I miss your pics as I said you.

This is another example: ... 1@N08/2964044453/sizes/o/

Medium : ... 1@N08/2964044453/sizes/m/

whats the highest resolution you have that in, i want it as a wallpaper
(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48
Quote from brandons48 :Seeing as everyone is posting smoke edits, I'll stick in three of mine.

Smoke in it's origin looks as sharp as anything else it's just the few moments later that it gets diffuse and blurry. Just take real pictures with smoking tyres as a reference.

I posted this mid December in the "Drift pictures" thread. It is far from perfect, much because the smoke becomes invisible too fast without expanding very much.
Brandon, those smokes look bad, sorry. But why is everyone posting their smokes? Who cares what kind of smokes everyone has made, the guy is still learning and it is his first time trying to make smoke, so this is not the place to brag, especially when most of you guys don't even have good smoke edits.

My smoke sucks and I've never known how to make it, so I won't post them.

Tazka's smoke looks by far the best from all these posted here in the last pages.
Tomba (FIN)
How old are you?
(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48
Love that pic of yours lynce.

Quote from brandons48 :I wasn't really thinking about how the smoke dispersed in reality and how it moved, I was more focusing on the texture of the smoke, and the way it folded around the car's bodywork. (More on the second picture).

But, yes, I agree, Tazka's smoke is the best. Don't see many edits from him though, which is a shame.

Most of my edits in one place: ... sa=album;id=18;nw;start=0
Quote from brandons48 :The third one was more focused on the damage, I think.

That's a terrible case of car cruelty you higlighted there!
Quote from brandons48 : But, yes, I agree, Tazka's smoke is the best. Don't see many edits from him though, which is a shame.

He has had quite many edits before, he just doesn't post them all here. But I've seen them and they are all awesome.
(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48
edit by me
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Samurai Project By Venci 1920x1080.jpg
Very cool thing dude, but those pictures get boring, there going to be more and more.
meh, was bored
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Quote from TuomasH :

U probably used only 1 photoshop inbuilt effect. This picture is ...
Talking of smoke, I find the best way to do it is to use a 'splatter' brush (e.g. bottom right hand corner in picture below), to form the edges of the smoke, and then use the softer brushes to fill in the main body of the smoke and to create the thinner haze of smoke around the main cloud.

Like I did here. I was making the smoke really thick there, Ken Block style, but it would also work for thinner smoke.

Quote from TuomasH :meh, was bored

Be careful not to loose the shadow when doing motion blur, which is what has kinda happened in your second picture
i found a good brush a while ago and i made a big drift smoke edit. gotta say again: im not good at ps! but i think its pretty good
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Quote from vencipower :edit by me

I think you could do is cut windshields and paste them over the blur with transparency because now all the reflections are gone
(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48

Edited pics
(14106 posts, started )