The online racing simulator

That tire along with that rim looks rather.. cardboard'ish? Big grin
(LightningShadow) DELETED by LightningShadow
Happy Holidays Wink

Please , comment Smile
Demo content, yet has Aston available along with FXO. But the edit is pretty neat though.
(tvrtkocro28) DELETED by Flame CZE : vob mod

I love the multi car @SC and the midnight rain scenes

Сomment ...
I intersnyh your opinion.
1) Demo + XRT ?
you tell me? Texpelt88
Honestly, you're gonna be accused of hacking. But the possibility of somebody sending you a picture, or getting one on the internet, is likely.
I put a picture here not to prove what I hacked the game, and for that would you rate my work.
well then you're lighting + fog looks very nice.
Thank you, I have tried over lighting.
Attached images

I like the middle.
Really liked 1, innovative approach to the photo, well done.
Quickly edited screenshots.

Please comment.
I like the second one, very cool, nice colors Smile
I still wonder how these 2 "russian" guys are not banned because of S2 content screenshots under the demo license
Quote from delis :I still wonder how these 2 "russian" guys are not banned because of S2 content screenshots under the demo license

One of them is not "russian", he's got a Lithuanian flag next to his name. Maybe you know some details that I lack of.
However why would you ban them? Report their posts and that's it. Them posting a screenshot is not proof of using a crack. (Although we both know that's BS)...

Besides, even if you ban them, so what? It's not going to keep them from using their cracked version and it's not going to keep them from creating another account.

Anyways more pictures please! There were some decent ones last page.
(driftbrk) DELETED by driftbrk : no1curr

Edited pics
(14106 posts, started )