I remember my first flight, Phoenix - Salt Lake City, It was snowing in Salt Lake so those clouds were pure fun. The first minutes were awesome, I was like "OMG this is so great

look mom!! those highways look so damn tiny!" but... then... some minutes after my happy time, the hell started, turbulence kicked in y0 dawg... I can say I wasn't as scared as the dude that was next to my mom, poor guy was wearing his seatbelt, eyes closed, praying, he looked tense!. My sister was as calm as a rock, just there reading her magazine while I was closing the window's cover and asking my mom how long was our flight

Once the plane landed and we were inside s.l.c.'s airport, I had a walk and watched the tv weather channel... good stuff, clear weather for my next flight to San Jose Ca.
I will never forget when I told my cousin this "I wont ever fly again, off course I will take the two planes back to Phoenix but... er no!", fear make us say stupid things