The online racing simulator
(228 posts, closed, started )
Release beta available for test purpose.

send me feedback.

|Changes from v5.912 to 5.913 |
Files to replace From the previous version
LFSLapper.lpr ( or remove !top !topqual !near !nearqual entry in the big case)

1. Fix some error on script due to case sensitivity driftdef.lpr, driftmeter.lpr
Thank you very much Tim NL

2. Fix error in Parsing '(' and ')' under certain condition

3. Fix error in optimization in assignation var or array

4. Add a mathematical function round to make a number rounded
round( 12.34,1 ) -> 12.3
round( 12.36,1 ) -> 12.4

5. !top, !near, !topqual, !nearqual are now managed in tops.lpr . You can
modify this file to have your own top display
next stage drf

Would it be possible to make Lapper 64bits compatible? My server is still 32bits but building and testing scripts is something I do on my local machine. Since I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) I can't work with the current Lapper because it contains 16bit things I guess. Running 32bits applications is no problem at all but Lapper keeps crashing so there must be some 16bit stuff left somewhere I think.
I don't have 64 bit windows

under construction
Release available for test purpose.

send me feedback.

|Changes from v5.914 to 5.915 |
Files to replace From the previous version

1. Fix error on storedvalue on migration from 5.8

2. Add players Vars
PBDrift to have the drift PB on the current combo

Quote from Gai-Luron :I don't have 64 bit windows


You don't need to have 64bit Windows.
I'm running a lot of 32bit applications on my Windows 7 64bit without any problem.
But when the software contains 16bit code, files, dll's etc. I won't work.
So all that's needed to get it running on a 64bit system is to get rid of those 16bit things.
I think 16 bit stuff are in sqlite dll and i don't change anything int it

For Lapper is writen only with C#
(Fire_optikz001) DELETED by Fire_optikz001
Quote from Yisc[NL] :You don't need to have 64bit Windows.
I'm running a lot of 32bit applications on my Windows 7 64bit without any problem.
But when the software contains 16bit code, files, dll's etc. I won't work.
So all that's needed to get it running on a 64bit system is to get rid of those 16bit things.

Here try this
Attached files - 491.8 KB - 755 views
Release available for test purpose.

send me feedback.

Quote :+-------------------------------+
|Changes from v5.915 to 5.916 |
Files to replace From the previous version

1. Fix bug on delayed command and registeraction

2. Add new version of driftmeter by Sinanju ( thank you )

Quote from Fire_optikz001 :Here try this

This is not the same file as Gai-Luron is including.
But I'm sure the correct file will be out there somewhere.
Lapper contains this files:


If there are x64 versions of that, and we replace them, would that be sufficient?
Quote from Yisc[NL] :This is not the same file as Gai-Luron is including.
But I'm sure the correct file will be out there somewhere.
Lapper contains this files:


If there are x64 versions of that, and we replace them, would that be sufficient?

thats the file i use on my x64 pc O.o

least it used to work

oter thing to try is recompile the sorce selecting x86 then it should work with x64 fine
Release available for test purpose.

send me feedback.



|Changes from v5.916 to 5.917 |
Files to replace From the previous version
replace '&' in all multiline button with %nl% or replace LFSLapper.lpr
replace '&' in all multiline button with %nl% or replace driftmeter.lpr

1. Remove flickering when you display same id button on screen

2. Separator for multiline message is now %nl% (newline) instead '&' to avoid
new line when username or nickname of player contain '&' char

3. Add new separator in text to display in button ( cycling separator ):
%at% is an alternate(s) text, you can have as many alternate text as you
want. LFSLapper display all text separated by %at% one every second

openPrivButton( "drewpitleave02",50,12,100,10,10,10,ISB_DARK,"^1R E M E M B E R !%at%^7R E M E M B E R !%at%D O N ' T C R Y !" );

This display
first "R E M E M B E R !" in red
then "R E M E M B E R !" in white
finally "D O N ' T C R Y !"
then go to the first message and do one more cycle

Today I celebrated Gai's birthday
Release fix bugs available.

send me feedback.

|Changes from v5.917 to 5.918 |
Files to replace From the previous version

1. Fix error when type !stop and then !start in LFS chat window

2. Autorestart LFSLapper instance on error, 4 times
( only if crash < 10s beetween 2 retry ), then go in standBy mode

Put link of the manual in frst post
Quote from Gai-Luron :Release fix bugs available.

send me feedback.

|Changes from v5.917 to 5.918 |
1. Fix error when type !stop and then !start in LFS chat window

ment to report this a few days ago also did this ahppen to fix the upd bug? when i do reload or stop on on upd it would crash

i also need list group For my cruise insim or u can make ur own version
Release fix bugs available. Because i made much modification in instance management. Test it before
Thank Krayy for the bug report and to find it
send me feedback.

|Changes from v5.918 to 5.919 |
Files to replace From the previous version

1. Rewrite the instance management, dirty code replaced with more clean
and easy to maintain to try to solve bug in

2. Correct a bug in tops.lpr script file

3. Fix bug when udp connection and reload config ( thank's krayy )

4. Updated handicapper.lpr file

Quote from Fire_optikz001 : ment to report this a few days ago also did this happen to fix the upd bug? when i do reload or stop on on upd it would crash

Quote from Gai-Luron :Fix bug when udp connection and reload config ( thank's krayy )[/CODE]


also where to dl this?
If you wrote a little better, I understand what you say. I thought you meant upd for update. You use too many abbreviations, they do not understand anything. Try to write a little better, I'm not American and read English is difficult enough for me. Imagine that I write with French abbreviation!

UDP != upd
5.919 Released
Quote from Gai-Luron :If you wrote a little better, I understand what you say. I thought you meant upd for update. You use too many abbreviations, they do not understand anything. Try to write a little better, I'm not American and read English is difficult enough for me. Imagine that I write with French abbreviation!

UDP != upd

sorry i have bad spelling D:
This thread is closed

(228 posts, closed, started )