The online racing simulator
Anyone got an endurance FXO set.
(5 posts, started )
Anyone got an endurance FXO set.

Does anyone have an FXO set that can do more than 3/4/5 laps at any track.

I dont really mind what track its for cus I will just edit it for all the different ones. I just want a fairly quick set that lasts. My current one wont make 5 laps without red all over front 2 tyres.

Also any tips on quick edits you can do to make tyres lastlonger - especially on the front wheel drve cars.


#2 - Vain
Vain's quick guide to longlasting tyres:
1. Adjust camber so the inner two tyre temps are good and the outer one is a bit colder. This will require asymmetric settings.
2. Increase tyre pressure by some psi (I usually go in steps of ten), but not over 2,2 bar. 2 bar is usually even too high.
3. Go back to 1 until desired tyre-lifetime has been achieved.
It's okay for a fresh tyre to go into the orange after some laps. Once you scrubbed some rubber off it will cool down. So in the beginning it should be slightly overheated, have optimum grip in the middle and be a bit cool near the end of the stint.

The topic is more complex, but I guess that's the kind of guide you wanted to hear.

thanks buddy.

Will this work for FXO - is it possible to keep the tyres cool on that?
#4 - bbman
That is up to your driving style...
Made this one last 43 laps (approx. 1 hour) at blackwood.
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FXO TURBO_BL.set - 132 B - 1297 views

Anyone got an endurance FXO set.
(5 posts, started )