I have to agree with you Fordman - I had exactly the same experience the other night.

Wanted to race on a busy server, there was only one with a decent amount of people on. As soon as I tried to join the race the server app kicked me because I hadn't set a pb on that track before.

I can understand setting pb standards on private servers but if you decide to make yours public, why bother putting these Nazi programs on which stop anyone but the regulars joining anyway? Might as well give them all a password and make it private, then you wouldn't need such an obtrusive app kicking people anyway.
I don't think that an InSim-system is a solution to the problem caused by InSim-systems.

I'd rather like some ability to filter out all servers that use an InSim-system or something like that. I didn't think a lot about it yet, but the basic thought is that you can't have carefree pickup racing if you have to study the manual of each server's InSim-system for 10 minutes first. I'd rather try connecting to an rFactor server because over there at least I get new cars or tracks.
Perhaps the basic functionality implemented in LFS also could to be improved so there is fewer demand for functions that, so far, only complicated InSim-systems can present.

Basically, for me, the problem is that every server is different, while actually I want to connect to a *random* server and just have some racing. I don't want servers to be different.
I only used CTRA because as a former STCC driver I had a free platinum license so I didn't have to bother with the points system at all. I didn't touch public servers since then because they are just too complicated.

So to conclude: Back then LFS started out with a very accessable online racing system but now all servers provide different functionality.
LFS managed to get the same disadvantages as the modding scene of rFactor without actually providing the ability to add user-content.


P.S.: If you can't be bothered to read it all, just skim the marked terms to get the jist of my post.
Quote from Greboth :The old timer's racing sounds good and would be a server I would be interesting in. Though would also be good if more of the unusual combos were used.

Perhaps suitability for entry to the server could be decided by answering a number of questions, for example:

- Name five items that Swizzle Matlow made in the 80s.
- How many REAL LIFE CARS have you owned?
- Do you know what a Mk.1 Escort smells like?
- Where is your CB, and when did you last use it?

Maybe some of you might see where I was going with this
Here is my opinion:

I am fairly new to lfs i only started playing in February 2009.

At that time i played NFS Porche Unleashed (very good game imho not like the other nfs games) and somebody on the chat mentioned LFS.

I googled and downloaded the lfs demo. I still remember my first lap with LFS in the fbm. It was a BLAST! It was so much different than any other sim i tried before. It got me hooked imediately and i bought s2 licence next day.

I realized quickly that chaotic public races are pointless and not too much fun so i decided to look for some organized racing.

I went to lfs forums find AB league http://ab-league.windos2k.com/

I really love racing there. The AB community is great and helpful. We have like 3 different leagues (CLOSED FORMULA, OPEN S2l, CLOSED LM GTR) with great races. We always have 2 races with different cars and tracks on Sundays and i still have the motivation to prepare for the next race and learn different cars/tracks not only just messing around in pub servers.

LFS is still sooo much fun imho (easy to say i havent been around for like 6 years) and i dont miss the public racing! Lots of people saying that they are quitting because of the bad state of public servers/racing. I just dont get it. Look for organized leagues/races and problem is solved.
Quote from russraine :...
Wanted to race on a busy server, there was only one with a decent amount of people on. As soon as I tried to join the race the server app kicked me because I hadn't set a pb on that track before...

But this type of things are old. I remember when i started to play, there was a great server on Demo - NOS Server -, and everyone had to clock 1.33.99 to enter.
#131 - xtm
Another rusted old driver here :wave2:

I actually started to play seriously soon after the CTRA started, so although I did have to struggle through some crappy racing in XFG (although I actually enjoy the XFG as a car), I quickly managed to get to more serious CTRA servers and that was where some of the best racing happened (before the removed the LX..).

However, after the breakup of CTRA the drivers you used to race with all went their way, and I figured I'd take a break.

Now, when I come back once in a while, the only place where you can have some good racing is the CR server, since the rest are either demo, cruise or highly-licensed ctra-copycats.

Anyways, good to see all the old faces show up, we still have some powder in our cannons (russian saying :nod
I really want to get back into some serious lapping but I do like to focus on one track for say a week and really hone my lines.

I remember in the old days there would always be a FOX server set to Aston National and one set the Blackwood. It seems all the servers these days, FOX ones at least are set to rotate. I think it's a shame because the racing is better when people get to know a track better. Also, you tend to get the same guys coming back night after night.
Quote from robt :You've mentioned the CRC in a lot of your final posts on this discussion fordie, maybe theres a reason behind it. Maybe an ORC is due (Oldtimers racing club) Using a similar system for passwords etc. Rather then a before X year cut-off, maybe a select few on invitation only as starters, then those intrested can be voted in (similar to the latter CRC although I wasnt around in S1 demo CRC times to know if it was the same!)


This would also not prevent "newer" people from joining.
I think the most fun is in joining a league right now. You can practice a little and then have your race where most people show up.
im really not sure if we need some new version of crc to get some good racing back in, ive never been a fan of cutting of ppl from that, let them be new to lfs or not. back in the days we everytime had good racing on just normal public servers, you just need one admin to spectate. there will everytime be idiots ruining a race, even the old drivers can be.
i dont want some league racing either really, that has nothing to do with the pickup character we are talking about and i personally just dont have the time to practice for it anymore.

what we need imo is something like one or two set days/times per week where we can definitly meet on a server with admin privileges. choose a combo beforehand maybe and then just do some races.
right.. i've read enough.. Now you got me into server owner mode and i want to start setting up combo's like we used to have!!

Damn you all..!!!!!!!!

giving me more work to do.
Please use TBO class at ANY random track
I love the TBO class (with FXO restriction), and full fields on the various tracks. Bring it on!
Quote from Ponty46 :Here is my opinion:

I am fairly new to lfs i only started playing in February 2009.

At that time i played NFS Porche Unleashed (very good game imho not like the other nfs games) and somebody on the chat mentioned LFS.

I googled and downloaded the lfs demo. I still remember my first lap with LFS in the fbm. It was a BLAST! It was so much different than any other sim i tried before. It got me hooked imediately and i bought s2 licence next day.

I realized quickly that chaotic public races are pointless and not too much fun so i decided to look for some organized racing.

I went to lfs forums find AB league http://ab-league.windos2k.com/

I really love racing there. The AB community is great and helpful. We have like 3 different leagues (CLOSED FORMULA, OPEN S2l, CLOSED LM GTR) with great races. We always have 2 races with different cars and tracks on Sundays and i still have the motivation to prepare for the next race and learn different cars/tracks not only just messing around in pub servers.

LFS is still sooo much fun imho (easy to say i havent been around for like 6 years) and i dont miss the public racing! Lots of people saying that they are quitting because of the bad state of public servers/racing. I just dont get it. Look for organized leagues/races and problem is solved.

I just don't use the server list at all anymore!

I race the AB League too (hi ponty ) and it's great, great people.

Now the GTR-L All Stars league of R-R started.

I can tell you, my hands are FULL just to practice these leagues and have 2 AB and 3 GTR races that matter each week.

It's tense and exiting! That's how I think it should be. That means I do not need public servers at all for awesome public racing.

Oh yes, I happen to pop into Fox junkies sometimes.

I would like to have a very good overview of current running and upcoming leagues. This forum is not very good at that point.
Quote from Riel :I would like to have a very good overview of current running and upcoming leagues. This forum is not very good at that point.

What's wrong with the Calendar?
Quote from zeugnimod :What's wrong with the Calendar?

I don't use the calender too much but from what I have it seems it only lists races that are taking place. Maybe we need an option to select upcoming championships where it would list the leagues where the date of the first race has not passed yet.
Quote from Greboth :I don't use the calender too much but from what I have it seems it only lists races that are taking place. Maybe we need an option to select upcoming championships where it would list the leagues where the date of the first race has not passed yet.

That's the league admin's fault then, I guess.
Hello everyone, nice to read yours posts.Good to see some people still here.
Quote from Gentlefoot :I really want to get back into some serious lapping but I do like to focus on one track for say a week and really hone my lines.

That's exactly how the Dead Men Racing server is set up: a different combo every week, with sprint races (10 to 15 minutes a race) during the week and a 1hr race on thursday nights to close off the combo. This is a little introduction to dMr. For those who like points we do keep points for the thursday long races, that can be viewed here. You can click on the weeknumber on top to view the results for the combo of that week.

This week's combo is FXR @ FE Gold. Last week's was XRT @ AS Historic. Next week... who knows
Quote from marek100 :Hello everyone, nice to read yours posts.Good to see some people still here.

Hello!! I found you! Help me pls to get digital speedo running under win 7
Aaah Fordie... you really are getting old you know.
Hope you still remember me... anyway, drop by in the Cabbie server for fun races, duh!

More on topic, as of a few days ago I also did my first LFS race again after being more than a year absent. Yesterday I had a first league race (in the OLFSL), in which I was slow, but had some great racing. That's one of the advantages of OLFSL: fast or slow, you can race with similair fast people for at least one evening in a lenghty race. In the week you get the fun of testing setups and tuning up your racing line, while also talking more with the other OLFSL racers. Above that the racing hours are perfect for my timezone. Just saying; check out some leagues and test some of them out, they can provide you a lot of fun, allow closer social contact again and perhaps you meet up some of us old farts!
Welcome back to duty Fordman:-)

Well years passing and sometimes after a big break things might change rapidly. Not something you will really change. I have been off LFS for quite a long time as well working on my career and a lot of things have really changed. Not all changes that I would welcome when I started looking around again few days back and reading the forum and all the changes.

But you and me will have to adjust again. Its a never ending story with LFS and his long development but bet we can quickly learn all again and kick the ass of all the kids on track again.

P.S.:Scawen good job so far over the past years but you can do better
I'll be honest; I didn't read most of this thread. But it was cool to see some of these old names. I really couldn't say why I still visit these forums from time to time. I've lost hope of stumbling upon something new and exciting.
Quote from dodo.ger :idiots ruining a race, even the old drivers can be.

Hi, that's me!

Quote from dodo.ger :what we need imo is something like one or two set days/times per week where we can definitly meet on a server with admin privileges. choose a combo beforehand maybe and then just do some races.

back to dSRC servers anyone....

While this thread shows a strong presence of 'old' drivers, I think we are all kinda guilty of what has happened, and we are now 'moaning old gits'.

We all got bored and disappeared. Things changed. InSIM and CTRA and wotsit called applications that kick you before you are even on the track.

Now we come back and want everything the way it used to be. Sorry what? Things would never have changed if most of us had kept interest and stayed put. I would still be racing every other night, and religiously on a Friday night with my dSRC team mates.

In reality, there is absolutely nothing stopping us from continuing to race the way we used to. Like dodo said, all it takes is for a few reputable servers & teams to step up and put on combos and admin like we used to.

Easy? yes. Old boys still moaning?...probably Will I start racing again? no, not unless I'm back in the UK with my wheel!
Quote from garph :If there was ever a piece of information that this thread really needed, the thread about getting back to the roots of LFS, trying to recapture some of the many great race combos that could be found any night of the week when you were guaranteed to get a good, clean and close race then that.......wasn't even close to being it

Right, because you are only allowed to post if you give the secret solution to cure LFS and can't share what LFS means to you these days. I don't see what your problem is.

Quote from Widdowmaker :Looking at your post count - you do not bother with posting in this forum this forum much either - and I thought I did not post a lot.

Is that because you just prefer to chill and do not like the competitive element of racing?

What would you need/LFS need to get you racing again?

I prefer to lurk here, the first reply to my post illustrates why.

More combo's like we used to drive would maybe get me racing more again. Most of the time the crowded servers have cars and tracks that don't appeal to me.
but you have to understand what garph posted. what does driving round on a criuse server listening to music have to do with getting back to the "good ol times" in lfs?

Would somebody care to explain
(152 posts, started )