before fragmaster guys protest against me, i have something to say:
twice i was hit by FM cars and, because of that, I went to the walls...
in one of this two times, i got a d/t for being 'dangerous' on track [but it wasn't even my fault]...
i hit karkar once because i didn't see him, he laged back and couldn't catch us up till next yellow... SO SORRY FOR THAT...
when karkar and car 302 [can't remember his name, sorry!] were fighting they requested deko to ask me to stay out of their fight... i was at the same lap as karkar... to avoid any touch or accident, i just let them go in front of me!!
two other times they said i hit FM cars but i couldn't even feel it. so maybe it was my laggy Brasil down here!

SO SORRY FOR THAT, TOO... didn't mean to hit you anytime...
i am not moving no protests at all because everyone was pretty clean to me during the race, i have finished this 3h long race which is a victory for me!
[fm guys are just gonna hate me till the end of times]