The online racing simulator
Any suggestions for a new wheel?
(15 posts, started )
#1 - Zay
Any suggestions for a new wheel?
Hey guys,zay here.Anyway,my wheel broke like a week ago and it has been the worst week of my life(just goes to show that lfs is way to addictive).so,could I have some suggestions for a new wheel? The price has to be below 200 dollars.
Momo. or DFP.
Or find a G25 for under 200.
Quote from Bose321 :Momo. or DFP.
Or find a G25 for under 200.

I'd say forget Momo, not worth it imo. Either try to find a G25 for under 200 or get a Driving Force GT or Driving Force Pro (all by logitech :P)
Quote from evilpimp :try to find a G25 for under 200

for under $200 CAD? he might have to go used then... i had to con future shop into price-matching me tigerdirect's price, and after the 10% finder's fee, it still cost me around $220. (mind you, this was last summer)
2 summers ago I got mine for 240$ at Future Shop without any price matching lol. Just asked my cousin who works there so maybe I got an employee discount or something.
#6 - Zay
Quote from evilpimp :I'd say forget Momo, not worth it imo. Either try to find a G25 for under 200 or get a Driving Force GT or Driving Force Pro (all by logitech :P)

yes i have heard of the driving force pro. are they any good for thier price?
I have one and I find it ok although the FFB is a little slow. If you have the budget for a Driving Force GT I'd say go for it. It's the next best thing to the G25 I think. Or maybe look for the price of the Fanatec Porsche wheels?
#8 - G!NhO
Driving force GT
#9 - JJ72
the driving force GT is a pain, it doesn't steer fast enough, it's loud, personally it's not worth going for since you can't really use its 900 degrees steering comfortably.
You mean the Driving force Pro which is crap, the Driving force GT wheel has basicly the same internals as the G25.
#11 - Zay
Ok so ill probably go for the driving force gt or find a g25,but i doubt i will.what is the price on a driving force gt?oh ya,and thank you for your support everybody
#12 - JJ72
oh yes, my mistake on that. they are two different wheels
I see you live in Canada.I'm selling my G25 and could let it go for under 200$ if you want it PM me.

EDIT:added a pic...will take other pics if you're's really really clean,the leather got nothing on it,it's like new and the only downside would be the little scratch on the grey part of the shifter.

Any suggestions for a new wheel?
(15 posts, started )