The online racing simulator
(15 posts, started )
#1 - Jakg
on a demo server the other day doing voice chat with a group of racers, i was on the inside of T1 @ BL1 (in the XFG), another slower racer beside me, i went sideways under braking, i then tapped his door slightly, apologized and carried on driving, unfortunately he lost control and drifted into the run-off area, then i realize there is a kick vote going on, so i ask why, he says "hitting is a kickable offence", i always assumed kicking was for repeated ignoring of basic racing rules myself, and just wondered if anybody else could shed some common definition of the reasons for kick/ban
I really wouldn't get to worked up about it. If hitting was a kickable then no race's would ever happen. Sounds like you did the right thing, said sorry, learnt' from your mistake. All the usual shit.

Just put it down to experiance.
Some people just don't understand. There is rubbing in racing. There is bumping in racing. There is going to be contact in racing. There are going to be accidents in racing. It happens. It happens in real life racing. No, bumping, rubbing, contact, or accidents are NOT kickable offenses. They are a part of racing.

If you would have caught him, pushed him off the track or wrecked him on purpose repeatably, then it is a kickable/bannable offense. You did the right thing by saying sorry, perhaps you could have waited for him to collect himself and reenter the track giving him his position back (this is a CRC rule). If it was me and you made contact with me causing me to spin or loose control then said sorry, I would have given you a :-) or a NP (no problem) and waited for a rematch the next race to get a good clean race in with you. When you make contact with someone, the simplest yet most important thing you can do is say "Sorry".
I made the mistake of racing on the demo servers today, bad idea! illepall

The main thing i noticed was the speed in which somebody can be kicked/banned (banning is more common i'm sure). It only takes a single incident for somebody to be branded a wrecker. and mere seconds for the voting to be completed.

It seems that the more inexperienced a racer is - the more likely it is they'll kick/ban somebody, it takes a while to truly understand what racing is like.

I don't mind terribly if i get taken out by another racer's mistake, I'm happy to simply cruise 'round and wait for the next race at worst, but I've noticed that the less experience you have, the longer the races seem to be. To a noob, waiting for the next race seems like waiting forever, hence the mad dash to be first into T1 and the intolerence of other racer's mistakes.
I remember racing as a demo on BW often giving the first corner the widest berth possible just so I would get involved with the inneviatble kick vote that followed. It's just a noob thing I guess. Putting alot of inexperianced racers into a tight corner like that is bound to cuase some grief.
#6 - SamH
Quote from Funnybear :Putting alot of inexperianced racers into a tight corner like that is bound to cuase some grief.

OMG how true is that!

Bless 'em. I remember my first days on Demo. I'm absolutely sure I learned quicker than some of these new guys on Demo. I've written a new sky message macro, which says "THIS IS NOT TEN-PIN BOWLING!"
OMG. How cool would that be. Why have I gone all OC on my arse? OH! MY! GOD! I'm californian! I! Have! TO! Exclaim! EVERYTHING!

Er. What was I saying? Oh yes. Signwriting. Imagine a litte plane buzzing around writing out requests. You could text in (Be sure to check with the bill payer) and the little plane would right out what you asked for . . . Love that.
yeah, maybe i overreacted by kicking here is the replay anyhoo- its on the 2nd lap
Attached files
jack crash.mpr - 337.1 KB - 368 views
looked like a normal racing incident to me, his back end stepped out under braking and hit yours.

im sure part of the problem at that bend is the dam tyre bug as if tyres gripped properly all the way down to standstill the result of a nudge like that would be much smaller.

although he was rather heavily committed it would have been wise to have given him racing room rather than try to turn in there, chances are hed have run wide and you could have gone up the inside and had a clean exit from bend

finally i noticed that you gave him a bit of a knock at the same bend on the first lap when you passed with no appolagy proffered. this time you had the inside line and used the horn (ooer missus) when he didnt give you room though to be fair hed just taken a hit on the rear

not critising anyone just observing, as i said a racing incident and not worth a ban

one other point both of you were using setups that appear to have very loose rears, he lost his under braking and you had problems on a few bends on the previous laps, a pointy setup may be faster over 1 lap but its no good in a race if you can only hit your lines once every 10 laps. i've an understeering setup that may not be theoretically as quick but allows me to carry more speed through corners than you were managing and can be repeated lap after lap

p.s. why doesnt the replay cover the actual ban vote ?, its always nice to see how these issues were "discussed"
#10 - Jakg
Quote from tinvek :p.s. why doesnt the replay cover the actual ban vote ?, its always nice to see how these issues were "discussed"

he recorded the replay before he retaliated
This was quite unlucky crash, because Pellit wiped out in a worst possible way... Jakg just didnt except that Pellit will go into the turn so soon.... common mistake IMO. I know it can really piss up when you are hitted on 1st place

....I was driving for the 3rd place in 10lap hard race and one guy was recovering from wiping out in last turn at AS Nat. He just drove into my way, I wasnt able to evade and in 8th lap I got pretty damaged suspension..... do I had to kick him just because he forgot to look right? He was a beginner, and, what is important, he said "Sorry" to me. I let it be, I just lost 3rd place, but what can I do? Kicking him wouldnt bring my susp. back....

So, this is "my" story, just for illustartion.....

Kicking and Banning is very common on demo servers - it is a problem it and will ever be a problem. Once I got almost banned because I said to some fool that we dont want to listen his vulgarisms... many demo racers just presses "1", no matter if they know what is going on..... It is not LFS problem, it is just depending on us - racers.
JakG. Is your S2 licence a new thing or do you just race on the Demo servers for the hell of it?

I was going to say get a S2 licence and get into some more understanding races, but you already have.

Although saying that I have been having some dreadful races recently. Is it me are is there a proliferation of wreckers atm. That and I keep fiddling with my setups. I try and sort them off line or on a qiuet server but I get in a race and I forget all about my setup changes untill it's too late. So sorry to you all on the BW GT servers if you saw FunnyBear act a little irratically.

But on the subject of bumping and corner etiquette. You can very often spot an experianced racer by the way he 'races' into a corner with a fellow racer. If he know the racer and he's confident about the others abilities then they will be very close and challenging.


If he is up against an unknown or a known noob then he will quite often give the car and the corner a wider berth than normal. he will watch the persuing car skid underneath him running hideosly wide and allowing him to turn in unhindered and procede with his race.

Unfourtuantly LFS physics doesn't allow for Touring car like contact (Yet) so do everyone a favour and give a little space . . .
#13 - Jakg
i have been responsible for getting a few extrausers on LFS, and have been goin on the demo servers to kick their collective asses
Quote from Funnybear : I keep fiddling with my setups. I try and sort them off line or on a qiuet server but I get in a race and I forget all about my setup changes untill it's too late.

anoying isnt it, worst thing is when you finish a race and for next 10 mins noone shows any intention of restarting so you start trying setup changes, then just as you pull out of pits after changing something you get the race resarts in 3 2 1 and your there on the grid with nothing but educated guess work as to what the cars going to do
Yes. I am totally sympathetic. I get you man. (There I go, all OC again. . . )

(15 posts, started )