The online racing simulator
Hit from behind blamed on lag
(7 posts, started )
Hit from behind blamed on lag
I'll post this here becuase it's a question.

Last night I was racing on BL1R and 3 of us were entering the chicane together with 1 behind. Now as it was three of us entering together we obviously couldn't all enter at normal speed for the chicane so we had to slow a little more.

The lone car behind us then caught up and hit me from behind, knocking me off the track.

Oh well thinks I, s*** happens, but I am a little annoyed that the guy who hit me didn't say sorry so I tell him so. He's still racing and so doesn't reply so I go off and take a quick look at the replay before I say any more.

In the replay I saved it clearly shows him not braking enough and hitting me.

So the race ends and I ask him why he didn't bother to apologise.

"I didn't hit you, you lagged" is the answer I get back.

"My replay shows you clearly hit me" says I

"Not mine" says he.

So I ask him to save it and say that I will apologise if this is indeed true.

I've also PM'd him on here with my email address asking him to forward the replay to me but so far he hasn't. Though it was only just over 12 hours ago I asked for it so I'm not saying he's refusing/ignoring. I'm just interested in the answer and a litte impatient.

So my question: Is this possible? I've not come accross it yet.

I don't have the replay here at work and see no point in posting it anyway as I'm only asking a general question and see no need to get names involved.
If you lagged, it will look like he zoomed into the back of you in your replay. The replay recording will have no lag for the user which saved the replay, because you can't lag with yourself.

However, in his replay, it will look like you lagged. Most likely what happened is due to lag, LFS kept your car stationary for a split second/predicted where your car would go, because the next data about position wasn't coming quick enough. Therefore, he crashes into your car's virtual position, whether your car is actually there in your game or not.
Thanks for your reply. So it is possible that it was lag. I guess I won't be able to tell from my replay as someone who hasn't braked hard enough and what you describe "zoomed into the back of you" would look the same?

It's not worth worrying about, it was one knock in one race. It just intrigues me and I'd like to see his replay to see the differences.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see if he sends it to me.

Would it be best to see a replay from someone who wasn't involved in the incident? Something I won't be able to get hold of now though.
Quote from menantoll :

Would it be best to see a replay from someone who wasn't involved in the incident? Something I won't be able to get hold of now though.

Yes. That would essentially tell you exactly what the server "saw". Like dying in an FPS game. Sometimes it looks like the guy was shooting you for just a split second, but if you look at it from someone else's perspective, it turns out he was shooting at you for a lot longer. It's probable that he was following a lot closer than what you saw in your replay.
#5 - VoiD
Hope this will bring up some light.

Please check "void pov.mpr" @1:15. Of course I immediately blamed my mate, was pretty loud in TS.

But "grueni pov.mpr" and "el_bitcho pov.mpr" tells the true story: It was me, having some short l...a...g.
Attached files
void pov.mpr - 113.3 KB - 194 views
grueni pov.mpr - 115.2 KB - 157 views
el_bitcho pov.mpr - 126.9 KB - 169 views
cool, thanks void I shall check those later when I get home from work
Need your replay for some better speculation.

Good example above to. Gruni travels about 56 metres from when he actually brakes to when Void see's it. At 200km/h that's not going to go well.

When you look at Void's replay you can see the time between when Gruni actually brakes (I marked it in Gruni's replay) and when Void see's Gruni braking, there is no change in input from Gruni's car during that time saved on Void's replay. So technically you can tell if someone lagged from one replay alone, almost.

Hit from behind blamed on lag
(7 posts, started )