WOW, I have had the same thing on my mind for a while now.
I recently just bought a Series 5 Samsung 40" (50Hz I believed) LCD True HD TV (LA40A550) for use as my dedicated computer monitor. I use the DVI port on the Grfx card and have a small plug adapter to change it to HDMI, so then I can plug the HDMI cable into the LCD TV.
Works fabulous and looks magnificent. Trouble is it works too well.
I mean, I set windows up as 60 Hertz yet when I switch on the LCD it tells me its running at 60Hz. (It's supposed to be a 50Hz LCD TV right?)

It is deffinately not a 100Hz TV, they were $1000 more to buy. ALthough there is nothing on the box or the specifications to say it is a 50Hz TV, but every other HD LCD TV out there is either 50, 100 or 200 Hz right?
So how is this even possible? If I run games eg, LFS at vsync (it does look like 60 FPS) it looks damn smooth. If I restrict it in game to 50 FPS it looks a bit less smooth. So I am pretty sure it's running at 60 FPS at vsync. If I tune windows Monitor setting to 50Hertz the LCD says its getting a signal @ 50Hz.
Here are my options in Windows,
How can it be that my 50Hz TV does 60Hertz? When I bought the TV I imagined I would be playing everything at lousy ^_^ 50 FPS BUT infact everything runs at 60 FPS! How the hell can I be so lucky?
edit1: Oh wait, I got out the user manual, it has some important info.
edit2: So how about that eh? The manual actually specifies the TV has support for 1920x1080 @ 60Hz using the correct DVI/HDMI input port. It has two other standard HDMI inputs, but I have to use the specific one for PC DVI/HDMI to get the 60Hz. Amazing TV really. Flawless and blows me away everyday. It's like I've died and gone to heaven. The only downside to a monitor this big is that it blocks out the sun
When buying this TV the sales people at the shop had no idea what happens when you plug a PC into the TV. They never had any customer that wanted such a large PC monitor, they only sell them as TV's, that's what they're for..... haha, everything on TV is just mindless reality programes or just rubbish to me.
Just looking at the back page of the manual and it is crystal clear. I never refered back to it because I packed it all away as everything was running fine at what seemed to be 60Hz, so just forgot about it sort of, wondered about it a little, until I saw this thread, now I've figured out why. Thanks for the topic you started. I am now a little wiser on this.
So I suggest you ask around or look up specs to see if the TV you want will support PC input at 60Hz.
Its weird though, I looked up my
model online and there is no mention of the 60Hz, it is only in the user Manual on the second last page.