Automatic messeages
(7 posts, started )
Automatic messeages
Is there any kind of program, which sent out automatic messeage (for example: "^1 Server Rules: url link.") after like every 5 or 10 minutes? It was great if program allowed to set that time. Is it possible to do a script like that? Just normal "/say (text)" thingy, which was automaticaly sent out again and again after some period of time. It also need to work without having server password. I heard about LFSRelax, but i saw that it send messeages out only on following ocassions:

Quote from Automated messeages in LFSRelax :
  • On connection
  • On Race Start
  • On Race End
  • On new PB
  • On multiple words received

Thanks for your help.
No one ?
(MariusMM) DELETED by MariusMM

Quote from thezero :No one ?

Yes we can - maybe. :-)

Question: What do you want with such a programm? Specialy why must it work without admin password? Do you want to be able to spam every server with messages?

If not - yes we can.



My Homepage
Quote from GmiRacing :Hi,
Question: What do you want with such a programm? Specialy why must it work without admin password? Do you want to be able to spam every server with messages?

Well, no, i dont want it for spam. I would like it for advertisments, useful links, etc. I defenetly wont spam it, i am not 5 years old that it was my intention to do it. As i said, stuff which is allowed in the limits and that's it. I would be glad of any help, but coding and me are two totaly different things.
Hi thezero,

ok - the thing is:

I have written such a piece of software but, it only works with admin passwort. I think there is now way to induct messages on a server without having the insim password.

What this software can do for you:

- You can define command-lists of nearly any kind
- You can shedule this command-lists to any time you want.
- You can create messages, which will appear on the screen of every user at sheduled time
- You can define the time how long the message will be displayed the user
- You can call command-lists as recursive chaines (command-list one can start command-list two etc.)
- You can give different command-lists for each day of a week
- You get an integrated editor to build the command lists. No manipulations in config files or something like this is neccessary.

All admin commands and all Airio commands are supported. Message will not appear in the chat output. Messages are displayed as windows in LFS.

All what an admin can do, this software can do. But!!! You need the insim-admin password! Normaly no problem if you are the owner or admin of the server.

And the best: If you are interested and if you drop me a mail to highway [at], i would like to send you a link where you can download this software. For free! No fees!

We are using this software to do automatic daily reconfigurations of LFS-servers. For different configuration which are neccessary to switch between different race modes. (Different laps, different behaviour of Airio, with qualifying or not and so on)



My Website

Edit: Can somebody explain me how to get a mail notification and where to configure that. Is it possible the add a signature automativaly under the posts i do? Thanks!
Edit: Changed some typos
Quote from GmiRacing :All what an admin can do, this software can do. But!!! You need the insim-admin password! Normaly no problem if you are the owner or admin of the server.

Well, i am an admin on the server, but i dont have servers password, as only highest admins does . I realy respect your work, but i cant use it, if it require admin password...
#7 - troy
I guess this one can't do all the things you want it to do but most of the features you're searching for are in there: ... amp;highlight=automessage

edit: ah crap, my reading skills are close to zero once again, it looked like you're searching for something that can do the things in your quote, sorry for the not too helpful post

Automatic messeages
(7 posts, started )