You know what? I really need to thank you~! All it took was 5 minutes of searching, and I think I save rendering a screen. I discovered something that I might have overlooked a few weeks ago when changing to multi Again, I'd need to test if this works on my rig first. Try it!
Anyways, back to LFS. I'll describe to you the problems with LFS, and things we can do:
a) SoftTH. I describe to you the problems using SoftTH, and what I do to resolve it. Then:
b) They call it 'Adjustable FOV'.
I still have to test if it works. I'll follow it up when I have to the time to test it out myself.
I'm quite sure it works though.
What our problem was with dual screen displays in LFS, was that after setting our resolutions (my case 2 1024 x 768) to 2048 x 768, was that, as usual, the wheel was set in the center. Now, this wouldn't be a problem if I had only one screen. The wheel would be dead on
in the center. However, with CRTs, we have this thing called
bezel, which from context of reading previous posts, is that plastic-ie thing at the edge of each monitor. Thus, my wheel would have a 11" wheel would have a diameter of 11" from top to bottom, but have a diameter of 13 - 14" at the side (visually).
Look here:
When we try to fix this, we'd normally try to shift the view over, or the FOV over, so that the wheel would be on one side. However, we'd be viewing everything on an angle, as seen here:
(Credits to:Mcintyrej from You can look there.
Solution 1) SoftTH (I have NO knowledge of TH2Go). Typically you'd be running 3 monitors here. The center monitor (primary) would display the focus of what you'd want to see, typically the wheel, as such. The remaining left and right monitors act as secondary monitors. As suggested, they show what is secondary to what information is viewed and given. In a dual monitor setup, and in a left - wheel positioned car, the left monitor would act as the primary, and the right would act as the single secondary, displaying the remainder of the interior. Anyways, this is what is generally done, and what I do. You may choose to do this the other way, such that the right is secondary, and left is looking out the window. Vice-versa applies here, where you are driving on the right, and respective monitor roles are reversed.
A problem found here, is setting up the config file for SoftTH. Generally, after downloading the RAR file off the SoftTH website found here:
you would extract the files and Copy & Paste the selected files as stated in the Readme into the LFS root folder. Then you would simply state what resolutions are used into the bottom of the cfg. file. In a triple screen setup, you should be able to double click LFS, and you basically configure inside LFS, and you would be gripping, racing, drifting, crashing, or goofing off. However, if in a double screen setup, you would need to setup which screen is which (actually in a triple screen, you would too, but a bit easier).
For me:
Left Screen has ID #2, thus for "DeviceIDright=" I'd have 1 there, as my right screen ID is 1. For my leftscreen, which I currently don't have connected, I've set "DeviceIDleft=-1". It should be rather straight forward, but it was a
jack-@ss for me to setup, as I had no previous knowledge of this. You'd also need to set the perameters beneath it. I forgot to set those, and I always received errors. There is a forum at , so if you are interested, and you have a problem, you can consult them.
After that, it is simply setting the right options such as setting the driver to "[Insert Card model here] with SoftTH" inside LFS, and setting the correct resolution which is found by "[(Width of secondary monitor) x 2 + (Width of primary monitor)] (x) height". I am not sure how the height works if they are different; I guess you'd utilize the greatest height of the monitors. Typically you'd have secondary monitors with the same resolution, (I think you have to, as it is forced in the CFG.). I'm putting brackets around x, because it is crucial for you to know that they should be seperate, as resolution is simply width x height =D.
Example: For me, I have (3) monitors @ 1024 x 768, thus "1024 x 2 + 1024 (x) 768 = 2048 +1024 (x) 768 = 3072 x 768. Then you'd need to add bordersize, but I would talk about that at another time,
at which I don't even know if you are interested 100% in a dual monitor solution. Anyways, it is rather easy after reading the Readme.
Solution 2: Adjusting FOV. There was a suggestion with an adjustable FOV, which was virtual still right now. Basically with this setup, Copy & Paste into root, I guess, and adjust the config. file. Should be straight forward. Haven't tried it yet. You should trust the people who created this, rather than me, as I am still a Demo, right?

They have been here for a long time, rather than me being only active for like 3 - 4 days =D.
Hope you luck. I'd only wish that you can finish reading this post without falling asleep :sleep1:.
Haha, good luck, GenesisX