The term hermaphrodite is a descriptive word for someone who has elements of both genders, it does not have negative connotations, unless you want it to.
Someone uses a word to describe a certain group of people, said group gets offended for no aparrent reason, suddenly the word becomes an insult word and we're not allowed to use it anymore.
How long before we're not allowed to use words to describe anything contraversial, will we see the death of language for fear it might offend someone? Laughable.
The problem Psycoman mentions is not limited to Africa, a typical dodgy government's respone to any problem is to divert their people's attention away from their own failings by placing the blame on a certain other group of people (normally its the jews), to save their own skin. Its human nature that people wont want to own up when they screw up, so they place the blame on another person.
The British Goverment tried to place the blame for the recession squarely on the bankers, but we soon found out they had been stealing taxpayer's money for their own gain and were no more holy.
Someone uses a word to describe a certain group of people, said group gets offended for no aparrent reason, suddenly the word becomes an insult word and we're not allowed to use it anymore.
How long before we're not allowed to use words to describe anything contraversial, will we see the death of language for fear it might offend someone? Laughable.
The problem Psycoman mentions is not limited to Africa, a typical dodgy government's respone to any problem is to divert their people's attention away from their own failings by placing the blame on a certain other group of people (normally its the jews), to save their own skin. Its human nature that people wont want to own up when they screw up, so they place the blame on another person.
The British Goverment tried to place the blame for the recession squarely on the bankers, but we soon found out they had been stealing taxpayer's money for their own gain and were no more holy.