The online racing simulator
#1 - Krayy
[CODE] In game user handicapping GUI
Hi guys,

Heres an update to Lapper v5844 to allow an admin to assign, save and load handicaps in-race. We use this in our league races to apply racer penalties on the fly, save them into the StoredValues DB, then reload them for next race. Admins see the buttons to add/remove weight or intake restrictions, whereas normal racers only see the settings, they cannot change them

NOTE: When you download these files, I had to add a .txt extension as the wont upload otherwise. Take the .txt off the end

To apply the patch, you will need to:
  1. Make sure that "pitboard.lpr" is in your include list in the LFSLapper.lpr file, as this add on uses the global $user_array var
  2. Make the changes in the attached patch file to the parseEvents.cs file and rebuild the Lapper exe
  3. Copy the attached handicapper.lpr file into your includes directory
  4. In the LFSLapper.lpr file, add the code below:
Add this to the LFSLapper.lpr file where you see the other includes:
include( "./includes/handicapper.lpr");

Add this to the LFSLapper.lpr file where you see the other command definitions (like !help or !top):

CASE "!hc":

Let me know of any bugs you find.
Attached files
handicapper.lpr.txt - 6.8 KB - 238 views
handicapper.patch.txt - 1.3 KB - 176 views
#2 - Krayy
Heres a screenshot...
Attached images
#3 - Krayy
Updated for Lapper 5.918
Here is a version that has been updated for Lapper 5.918, to work with the new way that Lapper handles vars.

Just copy this text file over the old "\bin\default\includes\handicapper.lpr" file.
Attached files
handicapper_106.txt - 7.8 KB - 188 views