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Noobish question: Is a manual install of the graphics card possible?
Also, if possible, is it safe? The reason for that first question was that when I wanted to reinstall my graphics card, InstallShield failed (****!) and I'm sick of dealing with the default VGA in the PC, which is complete utter shit.
Any help?

Thanks in advance.
If you have ATi, I can help you. If you have nVidia, I can't. Tried looking on google or searching error code or whatever?
Quote from Bose321 :If you have ATi, I can help you. If you have nVidia, I can't. Tried looking on google or searching error code or whatever?

I have ATi now. 2600HD AGP DDR1.
There's nothing wrong with the card, but with the installer. I'm just looking for a way to get the drivers woking without using the installer.
I am not completely sure, but it maybe possible. Graphic cards maybe a bit more sophisticated, but hopefully this will work, as with other components. What you need is simply an .inf file. If you can find someone to get you this .inf file, then you can go to Device Manager, search for the component (in this case, a graphics card), and right click, and install or update new driver (or something like that). Then when it asks you to insert a CD, simply state that you will locate the driver, and direct it to the inf. file. After that, you can simply just say YES to all the stuff like 'The driver is not signed by Microsoft'.

Well, this is what I do with USB 2.0 drivers, HD (Microdriver (SDHC - HD)), and no - name joystick drivers. I might try this next time I install a new OS, to remove stupid memory gogging GUIs for my GPU, as required of course!

---- I have not tried this before. You may be able to extract an INF, or get someone to find one for you, but I have not tried it, tested it, or guarantee that if it works, it is reliable, best performance, or etc. At your own risk...

EDIT: I don't think this is a noobish question, but rather advanced. I'd thought of doing this, and while trying to do the research to do a follow up, I may learn an answer =D

EDIT 2: Look here:
Chances are if you are just looking install a sole display driver, it may be possible. I've went to the website, and gotten hold of an ATI Radeon Card Display Driver exe. I'm extracting the inf files with 7-zip. I can upload them for you. If you don't trust me, then you should go online and do the process. I don't want you to blame me if anything goes wrong though.

I'll create a new post for the upload...
Drivers are found here... At your own risk...
I've downloaded the exe from the ATi website, and extracted the needed files from it, which are the files under the folder XP_INF. The files are as follows:

When trying to install just the display driver, this should be sufficient. Again, I have not tested this, thus it is at your own risk if anything happens. Again, follow the procedure in the website given, and use my post as reference. They should be similar. Link the driver back to your download folder.

Notes: The extracted exe is called 9-8_agp-hotfix_xp32_dd_ccc.exe and is created and modified on Today, August 26, 2009, 10:53:23 PM. I got this from
I've downloaded the exe from the ATi website, and extracted the needed files from it, which are the files under the folder XP_INF. The files are as follows:

When trying to install just the display driver, this should be sufficient. Again, I have not tested this, thus it is at your own risk if anything happens. Again, follow the procedure in the website given, and use my post as reference. They should be similar. Link the driver back to your download folder.

Notes: The extracted exe is called 9-8_agp-hotfix_xp32_dd_ccc.exe and is created and modified on Today, August 26, 2009, 10:53:23 PM. I got this form ... es/CatalystAGPHotfix.aspx .

This is for reference. You should do the extraction process by yourself. I wouldn't trust forum - posted drivers myself. And if you get a virus, you can't come to me saying that I put like a virus or I f*cked up your computer... You have been warned. Anyways, I'll post them for your reference sake, and you may attempt and hopefully succed with the process... If it works, plz tell me!

They are here... Last note... I cannot guarantee that these are the correct drivers, or will be compatiable with the apps that you use. BSOD, not my fault. These are intended Windows XP drivers 32-bit... should work with AGP cards, but the site only states them as a hotfix, whatever that is supposed to do...

Good Luck!
Attached files - 11.9 KB - 219 views
Having had the exact same card with the same problem I can tell you it's perfectly safe to manualy install it.

What you want to do is start the installer so it copies all of the files to the ATI support folders (it will tell you where it put them)

Then go into the display properties panel, in winXP its the one you get by right clicking on desktop and clicking properties.

Click the settings tab, then the advanced button on the lower right.

In the panel that pops up go to adapter and click the properties button.

Click the driver tab and press the update driver button.

After that it's running through the wizard and directing it to the folder where the drivers where loaded too by the extractor that ATI uses.

If this still doesn't work, if it doesn't see your card, then you have to download the AGP hotfix drivers from your card's manufacturers site. Sapphire has their own drives for the HD2600 and I think PowerColour and the other ones have them too. You realy need the AGP hotfix drivers, they are meant for that card.

I learn something new everyday. I should do it like that then, next time I do an installation.
(george_tsiros) DELETED by george_tsiros : redundant
#9 - Jakg
Yes it's safe (I n/vLite my graphics drivers this way on nVidia / Intel graphics cards).

Thanks for all the help so far, but I was asking this question because I want the computer to recognise the graphics card. I seem to have the Catalyst installed but it won't work, saying I don't have permission.
I'm getting frustrated because I want to play LFS before the holidays are over and this is just not making the best out of the computer's performance, instead making it sluggish as ****ing hell.