The online racing simulator
mass admin file?
ok i was thinking of a mass admin file
it seems to be working but in my logs i have

Can't open group file : ./default_1/../user/admin.txt

i only get that every once in a while i was thinking is there a way to go up a directory in lapper? like from default_1 into user

or did i do it right?
The right syntax should be:


. = to indicate a file will be used
.. = go one level up
#3 - Krayy
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :ok i was thinking of a mass admin file
it seems to be working but in my logs i have

Can't open group file : ./default_1/../user/admin.txt

i only get that every once in a while i was thinking is there a way to go up a directory in lapper? like from default_1 into user

or did i do it right?

Depends on what you mean by mass admin.

Are you saying that you want everyone to be an admin, because if you already have a list of admin users, then just copy them into the admins.txt file in the main lapper directory and then change the line in the LFSLapper.lpr file that says:

UserGroupFromFile( "admin", "./admin.txt" );


UserGroupFromFile( "admin", "../admin.txt" );
well thats what i have i was just asking and by mass i ment multi servers but thats alli needed to know whatnks guys
#5 - Krayy
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :well thats what i have i was just asking and by mass i ment multi servers but thats alli needed to know whatnks guys

Just remember that you will need to adjust all of the LFSLapper.lpr files for all lapper instances to point to ../admin.txt

BTW, I'll put up some code soon to allow you to add/remove admins while inside LFS.
Quote from Krayy :Just remember that you will need to adjust all of the LFSLapper.lpr files for all lapper instances to point to ../admin.txt

BTW, I'll put up some code soon to allow you to add/remove admins while inside LFS.

yay just what i need hmm would that code work with my ban files too?
#7 - Krayy
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :yay just what i need hmm would that code work with my ban files too?

How do you mean ban files?

PS, what version of lapper are you using?
EX i have

Event OnConnect
$userName GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName");
UserGroupFromFile"whole_ban""../user/whole_ban.txt" );
UserGroupFromFile"super_ban""../user/super_ban.txt" );

UserInGroup"whole_ban",$userName ) == )
"^1You Have A Current Ban From This Server");
privMsg"^1To See When Your Ban Is Over Visit");
privMsg"^2" );
cmdLFS("/kick " .  . $userName );
UserInGroup"super_ban",$userName ) == )
"^1You Have A Current Ban From This Server");
privMsg"^1To See When Your Ban Is Over Visit");
privMsg"^2" );
cmdLFS("/ban "  $userName " 30");

Event OnNewPlayerJoin
$userName GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName");
UserGroupFromFile"drive_ban""../user/drive_ban.txt" );
UserInGroup"drive_ban",$userName ) == )
"^1You Have A Current Ban From Driving");
privMsg"^1To See When Your Ban Is Over Visit");
privMsg"^2" );
cmdLFS("/spec " $userName );


I use this on my servers for people who are not welcome.
Just put a file whith the usernames in a txt file in the default dir.

Event OnConnect() # Player event
$Username = GetCurrentPlayerVar("Username");

UserGroupFromFile( "notwelcome", "./notwelcome.txt" );
IF( UserInGroup( "notwelcome",$Username ) == 1 )
cmdLFS( "/ban " . $Username . " 99" );