Quote from hrtburnout :I would like to mention that I appreciate the work the devs do, and that 12 quid isn't expensive at all. Don't put me in the whiners group please



Joke aside, 12 bucks.. come on, that's like a 6 pack of beer. Or for you kids, like some few cokes, that's all. If you canot affort that, go mow some gardens til you got the money or something, it ain't that hard

Wonder if there are more tracks not yet anounched that will be part of the S3 package when that time comes. Hopefully, or at least what I think it would be great to have at least 2-3 enviroments like what was given in the S2 launch.
(-NightFly-) DELETED by -NightFly-
Quote from The Very End :
.. come on, that's like a 6 pack of beer.

must be expensive 6-pack

it's worth 3 sixpacks here
#728 - Dmt
3 days without McDonalds and money for S3 upgrade is here
Quote from tomylee :I can't understand the talking about the price. Right now the game costs just 26€ for quite some real fun. And with the new track it will be arround 40€ in total. There are always new features and improvements made and with the first version you can still drive online.
Compare that with other games. Just take EA Sports. They make some rubbish improvements every year and you have to pay again 50 bugs. And try to play online with and old version there. I bet you will have some problems.

So what, drink two or three beer's less next weekend and you have your S3 money...

another track for me to loose on
Quote from joshdifabio :Wtf do you drink? :P

fermented horses urine. like borat

and um, Fosters, Boddingtons, Strongbow or Stella. 24 for a tenner lulz ownage
Quote from Scawen :Anyone who upgrades to S3 must do so only if they think it is worth it for the new track and the new car.

Some of us will do it just to support Live For Speed.
Quote from ATic ATac :I reckon this game is the best value for money i have come across in my life because you can keep playing it for years, so i don´t mind what the future S3 license will cost....

but please release something!!!!!!!

It´s just the wait is killing me

^ just the same here , a patch with something of interrest could make me replug the wheel
what i'm finding ironic is that the thread i started on the iracing forum is far more supportive of the new track and content in LFS than a lot of the posts in this thread, as far as i can see there's not one negative post there in 4 pages

maybe it's because iracers realise how much programming time and cost goes into creating a real car and laser scanned track and how much difference the track should make to the experience
I think the reason for that is due to the fact that there only are hardcore fans in that game. When you play an such silly amount to play the thing, you need to really LIKE the game, and I canot immagine people paying their asses of for a product they don't like.
Also, the user base is probally more grown up, something that canot be said about the LFS database.
However, age has little to do with maturity, but again, I think Iracing mostly just have it's hardcore fans that supports the developers til the end.
Quote from tinvek :what i'm finding ironic is that the thread i started on the iracing forum is far more supportive of the new track and content in LFS than a lot of the posts in this thread, as far as i can see there's not one negative post there in 4 pages

maybe it's because iracers realise how much programming time and cost goes into creating a real car and laser scanned track and how much difference the track should make to the experience

maybe its because iRacing customers pay thru the nose to use that sim
Quote from sgt-KiLL :maybe its because iRacing customers pay thru the nose to use that sim

and thus get a very very very very very very good product at the end of it. LFS manages to provide as good a sim at a far lesser cost and lazy people have the audacity to complain about it
Quote from tinvek :what i'm finding ironic is that the thread i started on the iracing forum is far more supportive of the new track and content in LFS than a lot of the posts in this thread, as far as i can see there's not one negative post there in 4 pages

maybe it's because iracers realise how much programming time and cost goes into creating a real car and laser scanned track and how much difference the track should make to the experience

I've always believed that this forum is quite a bit less friendly and forgiving and more cynical than your average internet forum.
Quote from thisnameistaken :I've barely even been here, you take that back.

now look what youve done you brought the village idiot back scawen

welcome back kevster good to have some wit back in here

that new s3 car better be extremely awesome for the price theyre asking... something like what youd get if chitty chitty bang bang and the batmobile had coitus
Quote from Shotglass :that new s3 car better be extremely awesome for the price theyre asking... something like what youd get if chitty chitty bang bang and the batmobile had coitus

Quote from Shotglass :something like what youd get if chitty chitty bang bang and the batmobile had coitus

A second cousin of the Gadgetmobile so to speak.
Quote from The Moose :I hope you're right Sam, but my impression of this community over the last 6 months or so is that it has become full of whining,selfish, ignorant,stupid, childish halfwits.

This thread just goes the extra mile and has them all queuing up one after the other, i can't believe what im reading half the time.

Scawen announces the best news for a long time in the world of LFS (it certainly got me interested in LFS again..i cant wait for improved physics and a new laser scanned track) and all the idiots come out and moan about it. Unbelievable.

Couldn't have said it better myself, Stu.... It's absolutely unfreakingbelievable that these numpties have the audacity to complain about new developments. Bunch of spoiled little brats.
I could totally understand if this was a pay-for-play service where there was a monthly fee involved... but for effing sakes, you pay the dev's their 24pounds/~$45 USD and get unlimited use out of the game. Stop whining you numpties or go back to NFS with your nos, ugly body-kits and the oh-so "ultra-realistic" physics...
Quote from xaotik :A second cousin of the Gadgetmobile so to speak.

allright fine make that a threesome with the gadgetmobile thrown into the mix
I dont care what will be released in s3, ill buy it anyway.
So ill buy it the day it will be possible to pay for s3

I dont hope we have to pay for each track? no hope not
You most likely only will have to pay for packages. Lets say S3 comes with new features, some new tracks and some new cars. Then later in the development more things are to be released, it would be natural to demand some money for it, so they can cover the expenses of developing the game.

As Scawen has hinted earlier, it's not a cheap task to hire someone to do the laser scan work for you.

If each of these packages only costs 12 bucks anyway, it's not a biggie. Just as long as it don't turn out to be subscibtion or that Scawen won't remove my chase veiew, I will not moan
bah it´s simple... nfs shift for xbox 70€... fun for maximal 1 month... lfs 32€ payed a year ago and i still have lot´s of fun with it... i would pay 16€ every month if i´d have to

Rockingham coming to LFS
(1238 posts, started )