The actually funny thingy here is that I am really not very tollerable to alcohol. If I drink more than some JD when I'm out, I get blackout, drink more then 10 beers, probally blackout, trying anything above 40% - sure as hell blackout.
And what anoys me the freakin' most is that each time I have been blackout'ed, I have managed to make out with a girl, but I can't freakin' remember it! And each time when I am not so drunk so I actually remember things, I only remember the shitty attempts that leads to horrible failures!
Being drunk in LFS is a bad sign: you drink alone! LFS must ban you for 12 hours immediately and tell you to call your friends or go to bed.
Once I rode an MTB being drunk. Just came to a friend before that, and then we drank a couple of beers. I had to ride from his home to mine. It was a warm summer night, and I had a headlight. So just for fun I rode through some paths and xcountry ski track in a forest.
That wasn't much fun. You ride down a path, see a big pinetree root, and feel like you'll ride over it smoothly. You don't raise your ass off the saddle,and ... BOOM ouch!, your ass hurts. Then another root there, and you don't want to stand up again, and again it hurts!
Well, I prefer going out with my RL mates and drink, but sometimes the situations occurs that no one is aviable, and the JD persuades me into drinking it. Oh lord, I once remember... wait, I don't remember that time I were drunk on the LR server, but I'v seen the replay(s).
I must think abous, my body really starting to say "God damn you, drink more and I'll **** you up" , but who cares, it's just the body so **** it loool!