The online racing simulator
Quick question about the rules. Team may attend only one qual?
Quote from Mroziu :Quick question about the rules. Team may attend only one qual?

Nope - you can come to one or both. Your best lap counts. You can have up to 2 people on server during qual, and either driver can do laps, as long as only one of them is on track at a time. Also, different drivers can do the different sessions, so up to 4 drivers may set laps. HOWEVER, whoever sets your teams fastest lap must do at least one green-flag racing lap in the race
Just making a simple link to a download or even upload it here is too simple eh?
Quote from three_jump :Just making a simple link to a download or even upload it here is too simple eh?

Quote from dekojester :Later this weekend I'll upload the pdfs to the webserver and add them as a direct download link.

Quote from three_jump :Just making a simple link to a download or even upload it here is too simple eh?

Heres a tif inside a rar with the rules in it. [etals:]
Attached files
gtal2010rules.rar - 409.4 KB - 241 views
Quote from J@tko :Nope - you can come to one or both. Your best lap counts.

I was asking if we can participate only in Sunday qual session and none of our drivers will attend Friday session. And I guess from your answer that we can
One more question about the rules.

Teams may have up to 5 drivers in a race rooster. For 3h race this probably make no sense. So question is what should be rooster like if we plan to do 2 stints.

Team A
Driver 1
Driver 2
Driver 3
Driver 4
Driver 5

Or we can post

Team A
Driver 1
Driver 2
Driver 3
Driver 4
Driver 5

and choose during the race who from those 5 drivers will attend the race?
Quote from Mroziu :One more question about the rules.

Teams may have up to 5 drivers in a race rooster. For 3h race this probably make no sense. So question is what should be rooster like if we plan to do 2 stints.

Team A
Driver 1
Driver 2
Driver 3
Driver 4
Driver 5

Or we can post

Team A
Driver 1
Driver 2
Driver 3
Driver 4
Driver 5

and choose during the race who from those 5 drivers will attend the race?

As long as you do not have more than 5 primary drivers, I don't care how you do it. You also cannot have more than 3 reserve drivers. You can list a maximum of 8 total. Either of those two scenarios would work.

Thanks for a quick answer
Another rules question

When SC is deployed pit line is open or closed until all grid will pile up?
Quote from Mroziu :Another rules question

When SC is deployed pit line is open or closed until all grid will pile up?

Pitlane is open all times, unless there is a need to close it (aka car being pushed in or something blocking it.

Pit EXIT will close when all cars in the immediate area (as in within sight) of the SC queue/train are passing the pit exit area.
Is there something saying that pitlane is close?
Quote from MoMo92i :Is there something saying that pitlane is close?

Yes. The same app that does safety car deployed etc.
okay thanks !
Not sure if this has been covered but ill post in anyway. Can a team miss Q1 and still be eligible to take part in the Q2 on the Friday?

EDIT Nevermind, I should have read this thread properly, it has already been answered.
Blue Flag Rules
Is this the only blue flag rule?

NDR Sporting Code
4. Blue
Used as a warning to a slower car that a faster car is approaching. Use caution. Hold your line, and make no moves to impede the faster car.

Surely I'm missing some?

I presume the above rule is used in-conjunction with...

VI. Overtaking1.
When overtaking a car, you must achieve any measure of overlap with the car you are overtaking in order to have the rights for that corner.
“Any Measure of Overlap” is defined as the front of the overtaking car being level with or beyond the rear quarter-panel of the overtaken car (for tin-tops) or rear wheel (for single-seaters).
This measurement is taken at the normal turn-in point.

If these are the only rules that apply ,I think more detail is required or clarification
Last time I checked, and I dunno maybe the world has gone mad and things have changed since then, but braking on the racing line with a car behind you is "impeding the faster car".
Quote from boothy :Last time I checked, and I dunno maybe the world has gone mad and things have changed since then, but braking on the racing line with a car behind you is "impeding the faster car".

Nope, the world is about the same now as it was then. Braking on the racing line is in fact "impeding the faster car."
Rules updated, can be found here.

I've also added download links.

Changes are to the start and confirmations procedures mostly. Also a penalty for changing your numberplate while was noticed viewing the mpr after the race, so it's now controlled in the shoud not need to change your numberplate in the race. It is now going to be seen as dangerous driving if done on-track.

Referring to your Rules, under yellow flag the drivers have to decelerate and are not allowed to overtake, right?
Quote :2. Yellow
a. There has been an incident somewhere upstream of the flag. Reduce your speed and be prepared to quickly and safely change direction. There is no overtaking in a yellow flag area.

If it would be safer to overtake than to slam on your brakes and not overtake, then obviously overtake, but give the place back if applicable when the track is safer
Quote from J@tko :If it would be safer to overtake than to slam on your brakes and not overtake, then obviously overtake, but give the place back if applicable when the track is safer

The way you said that it sounds like you are not allowed to overtake the car causing the yellow.
The Rules have been updated

Safety Car Procedure on restarts have changed.

Included specific penalties for chat in red flag or other no chat lobby situations.
(JayEyeBee) DELETED by JayEyeBee
Rules have been updated to change how Red Flags for major crashes/incidents work, add another option for penalties post-race, and remove racing to the line if SC deployed on final lap.

Rules have been overhauled. Shortened by almost ten (yes 10 !) pages....mostly down to the different font, and due to cutting out some redundant crap.

Highlights of changes:
  • Added an increased driver limit for the 12 hour race
  • Changed penalty for failure to use qualifying driver from loss of fastest lap to a one-lap penalty, which will be effective from Round 6. Note that if you inform us in good time, and have a reasonable reason, we'll let it slide, unless it gets abused then teams who abuse it are subject to the penalty.
  • Exiting a closed pit exit under SC now merits you an SG penalty.
  • Defined when overtaking is allowed under SC. The lines at the start and end of the pitlane blend lines are called the "Safety Car Lines"...first one on pit entry, second on pit exit. Entering pits, you may overtake any cars still on track once you've crossed this line. Exiting pits, any cars still on track may overtake you before you've crossed the second SC line.
  • SC restart indicator message will come when SC is clear of track, and the Green flag will fall after the leader begins to accelerate away. We will manually type in a Safety car coming in message into regular chat from now on.
  • Amended points payout in the event of a shortened race: If race is abandoned after less than 75%, half points awarded. If race is abandoned after 75%, full points.
  • Failure to have an active IRC rep nets you a DT and a 5 points penalty.
Feel free to ask any questions. This new version should be easier to read and find info in. Be sure to reference the NDR sporting code as well.