It would be nice if next LFS version will support Windows 7 taskbar, when you can see and connect to recent and favorite (pinned) servers in right click menu.
Can someone please elaborate, as I don't understand this suggestion. Is there actually something in Windows 7 that LFS doesn't support, or is this a request for a feature to emulate the way something in Windows 7 works, within LFS?
In Windows 7 task bar you can have functions if you hover over or right click the icon on the taskbar.
For example hovering over Window Media Player icon gives you the playback controls or right clicking on Messenger icon gives you options to change your online state or send a message.
Well, you can already do that in LFS with replays... but you need to open the replays from the LFS folder, not ingame. Then it opens up the game and adds the replay files to the jumplist, and you can choose them from the jumplists.
Curiously enough all Apple stuff (iTunes, Safari) are also good examples of it. iTunes has the Back|Pause/Play|Forward keys and Safari lists all of the tabs you have open.