The average income in Hong Kong is about $11000 HKD per month, I don't know why we are getting it cheaper, it's actually cheaper than the G25's launch price here, I remember I bought my G25 at $2200.
i say smooth but is that an advantage or disadvantage because the amount smoother or not compared to the g25 i don't realy realise when i've got most of my concentration on the corner and track.
Smooth means it's not jerky anymore due to helicar gears(at least is what i was told and what i understood from reviews).So,when FFB kicks in you feel the wheel turning smoothly rather than turning by steps like it was following cogs shape.
i think you wouldn't notice it really soon in normal racing. When you are drifting you feel the smoothness very good, because of the wheel spinning through your hand the whole time. More precise is in my case better because i have a better feel of the car going sideways.