MPR file header format for LFS S2 (from 0.5P):
Look this code above, we have "player name" - Name in LFS (game) and "plate" - text in the plates of the car.
Where we have (nickname - the correct is USERNAME) to search the profile in the LFSworld for example?
[FONT=FIXED SYS]NF result 80 RESULT INFO : (see below)
RESULT INFO : size 80 bytes per finished player
24 char 0 player name : text, ends 0, no colours
8 char 24 number plate : text, NOTE : NO ZERO AT END
4 char 32 short car name : text, ends 0
24 byte 36 0 : -
1 word 60 laps done : total laps completed
1 word 62 player flags : driver settings (see NOTES)
1 byte 64 confirm flags : penalties (see NOTES)
1 byte 65 number of stops : pit stops count
1 byte 66 0 : -
1 byte 67 0 : -
1 time 68 overall time : msht time
1 time 72 best lap time : msht time (first check point)
1 int 76 0 : -[/FONT]
Look this code above, we have "player name" - Name in LFS (game) and "plate" - text in the plates of the car.
Where we have (nickname - the correct is USERNAME) to search the profile in the LFSworld for example?