The online racing simulator
Quote from BlakjeKaas :The end product looks average though. It's not like they totally ruined the car =P

Oh yes, they did ruin it.
Well it wasn't awesome in the first place, but the end product is puke material.
Clever idea though

Quote from logitekg25 :i do see the resemblance

You've obviously never seen Emma Watson in person then xD

She looks NOTHING like that, maybe if you imagined her 80 years old after heavy drug abuse and a crap diet - then maybe.
(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48
When you see it, .....
Attached images
Nice Volvo parked up there.
#909 - STF
She`s got a parking ticket or what .

Is that santa over there? :d.
(Töki (HUN)) DELETED by Töki (HUN)
TBH not much worse than the new NSX.
Quote from G!NhO :I don't see it.

I saw it after I read STF's post. And I mean the whole post.
On the roof?
What IS that?
I thought it looked like a dwarf ski-ing on the building with the yellow front and black roof.

lol, those are awesome!
Quote from G!NhO :I don't see it.

Think about for a moment how her car end up in like it is in the picture...
I don't understand that one
The only 'fail' i see there is that that is not Britanny Murphy but Alicia Silverstone..
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The inevitable picture thread III: Revenge of the funnies
(14533 posts, closed, started )