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When you see it

What makes this even funnier is my 'old' series 1 iPad is stuck using google maps as apple don't make this update available for museum pieces like it. And I use the map function every day in my job.
So the maps are really that bad, or it's the exaggeration by the Apple haters?
They really are that bad !

Apple have chosen to drop google and do their own thing, shame it's 8 years behind where google are now. And that's coming from an apple fan.
And google are p!$$!^# themselves with laughter and offering an app in 6 months time for you lucky iOS6 users.

I'm just lucky that apple hate their 'old' technology so much they're no longer supporting it.

Which means I get to keep a working app................
Quote from Boris Lozac :So the maps are really that bad, or it's the exaggeration by the Apple haters?

Yep. It says there is this road near my house that doesn't even exist. Also, it gave a road the complete wrong name.
Quit Apple, buy Nokia.

Yo dawg, I herd you like browsers, so I put a browser in your browser so you can browse while you browse.
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None found

Spot the difference between this and people who love to insult others, just for the sake of it.
None found
Im eating the sake of food... shove it back up
And Apple again...

Quote from Chupacabras84 :
Spot the difference between this and people who love to insult others, just for the sake of it.
None found

looks like the maintence of all polish cars summerized in one picture also...

well theirs less smoke and rattles but you catch my drift im sure.
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The inevitable picture thread III: Revenge of the funnies
(14533 posts, closed, started )